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ralink Apsoc sdk equivalent to "/home/${user}/RT288x_SDK". #tar jxvf RT288x_SDK_{version}_{date}.tar.bz2 • The RT288x_SDK package contains the subsequent directories. o toolchain : mips toolchain o source : Linux kernel source o tools :useful script • The source directory contains the subsequent directories. o config : auto-configuration files o images : Linux image o lib : uClibc 0.9.28 o linux-2.4.x : Linux kernel source for RT2880 o linux-2.6.21.x : Linux kernel source for RT3052 o romfs : root file system (uncompressed) o tools : useful script to generate rootfs o user : user applications o vendor : init scripts of target platform (inittab, rcS...etc)
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ralink Apsoc sdk "/home/${user}/RT288x_SDK". #tar jxvf RT288x_SDK_{version}_{date}.tar.bz2 • The RT288x_SDK package contains the subsequent directories. o toolchain : mips toolchain o source : Linux kernel source o tools :useful script • The source directory contains the subsequent directories. o config : auto-configuration files o images : Linux image o lib : uClibc 0.9.28 o linux-2.4.x : Linux kernel source for RT2880 o linux-2.6.21.x : Linux kernel source for RT3052 o romfs : root file system (uncompressed) o tools : useful script to generate rootfs o user : user applications o vendor : init scripts of target platform (inittab, rcS...etc)
2022-12-08 14:53:33 69MB ralink sdk rt5350 rt288x
equivalent to "/home/${user}/RT288x_SDK". #tar jxvf RT288x_SDK_{version}_{date}.tar.bz2 • The RT288x_SDK package contains the subsequent directories. o toolchain : mips toolchain o source : Linux kernel source o tools :useful script • The source directory contains the subsequent directories. o config : auto-configuration files o images : Linux image o lib : uClibc 0.9.28 o linux-2.4.x : Linux kernel source for RT2880 o linux-2.6.21.x : Linux kernel source for RT3052 o romfs : root file system (uncompressed) o tools : useful script to generate rootfs o user : user applications o vendor : init scripts of target platform (inittab, rcS...etc)
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