Systems and software engineering -- Architecture description
2021-08-11 09:05:17 491KB 架构描述 ISO标准
International Standard Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management--Specification for process description
2021-08-11 09:05:17 1.33MB 过程描述规范 ISO标准
Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment for drive system of electric propulsion vehicles
2021-08-02 15:28:51 5.52MB 19453 ISO 标准 道路车辆
The ISO 1996 series of standards specifies methods for the description of The ISO 1996 series of standards specifies methods for the description of The ISO 1996 series of standards specifies methods for the description of noise outdoors in community environments. Other standards, on the other hand, specify methods for determining the sound power levels emitted by various noise sources, such as machinery and specified equipment (ISO 3740 series), or industrial plants (ISO 8297). This part of ISO 9613 is intended to bridge the gap between these two types of standard, to en- able noise levels in the community to be predicted from sources of known sound emission. The method described in this part of ISO 9613 is general in the sense that it may be applied to a wide variety of noise sources, and covers most of the major mechanisms of attenuation. There are, however, constraints on its use, which arise principally from the description of en- vironmental noise in the ISO 1996 series of standards.
2021-07-18 14:07:13 6.13MB ISO标准,计算声音传播
ISO 22737:2021 Intelligent transport systems — Low-speed automated driving (LSAD) systems for predefined routes — Performance requirements, system requirements and performance test procedures. (智能运输系统-用于预定路线的低速自动驾驶(LSAD)系统-性能要求、系统要求和性能测试程序)
2021-07-17 13:01:29 91.91MB 智能运输系统ISO标准
Road vehicles — Vehicle dynamics and road-holding ability — Vocabulary... ISO 8855:2011 defines the principal terms used for road vehicle dynamics.
2021-07-07 12:47:13 10.81MB ISO标准 8855
里面有 ISO 3534 的标准,包括 3534-1:2006, 3534-2:2006, 3534-3:2013, 3534-4:2014,加密了,无法进行复制,但可以打印。
2021-06-25 14:05:25 16.76MB ISO标准 3534
包括标准 16269-4,6,7,8,具体时间:2010,2014,2001,2004;文件格式为**加密了的** PDF。
2021-06-22 11:06:49 3.21MB ISO标准
2021-06-16 22:33:02 56KB ISO 软件工程 模版 项目文档
ISO国际标准 26262 2011版 国际标准ISO/SAE 21434(道路车辆-网络安全工程)规定车辆在整个生命周期(包括概念、开发、生产、操作、维护和报废)网络安全风险的管理要求,使汽车生命周期的各个阶段提升安全保障。该标准为网络安全的工程开发和管理流程提供了一个框架,使车辆制造商和供应商能够使用通用的语言交流网络安全要求,同时不对技术解决方案施加限制。
2021-06-04 19:00:15 31.16MB ISO标准 车规 信息安全