2021-05-05 10:34:16 98.38MB 语音信号处理
美国国家标准局(ANSI)与国际标准化组织(ISO)已经制定了SQL标准。ANSI是一个美国工业和商业集团组织,负责开发美国的商务和通讯标准。ANSI同时也是ISO和International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)的成员之一。ANSI 发布与国际标准组织相应的美国标准。1992年,ISO和IEC发布了SQL国际标准,称为SQL-92。ANSI随之发布的相应标准是ANSI SQL-92。ANSI SQL-92有时被称为ANSI SQL。尽管不同的关系数据库使用的SQL版本有一些差异,但大多数都遵循 ANSI SQL 标准。SQL Server使用ANSI SQL-92的扩展集,称为T-SQL,其遵循ANSI制定的 SQL-92标准。
2021-05-02 11:05:41 1.85MB ANSI-92 SQL 手册 英文版
美国联邦标准《FS209E-92》iso_cleanroom_standards_and_federal_standard_209e---、 标准文件,很珍贵,别处下载很贵
2021-04-12 18:02:41 127KB 美标 医疗 器械
常用三极管Altium封装库三维视图2D3D封装库原理图库+PCB封装库(AD集成库), 原理图库器件列表: Library Component Count : 2 Name Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPN NPN三极管 PNP PNP三极管 2D3D PCB封装列表: Component Count : 8 Component Name ----------------------------------------------- SOT-23 TO-92A TO-92B TO126 TO220A TO220B TO252 TO263
2021-03-31 21:16:55 409KB 热设计
很有用的噪声库,可进行语音信号处理的离线仿真测试等 File: Matlab or WAV formats (compressed) sampling rate: 19.98 KHz A/D: 16 bit pre-filter: anti-aliasing filter pre-emphasis: none filter: none duration: 235 sec length (uncompressed): approx 9 Mb (uncompressed) 白噪声:White noise White Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per Hz. bandwidth. 车内噪声:volvo Volvo 340 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). This recording was made at 120 km/h, in 4th gear, on an asphalt road, in rainy conditions. 军用车辆噪音:Military vehicle noise Leopard 2 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The Leopard 1 vehicle was moving at a speed of 70 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 114 dBA. 坦克内部噪声:Tank noise M109 noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The M109 tank was moving at a speed of 30 km/h. The sound level during the recording process was 100 dBA. 餐厅内嘈杂噪声:speech babble Voice Babble acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The source of this babble is 100 people speaking in a canteen. The room radius is over two meters; therefore, individual voices are slightly audible. The sound level during the recording process was 88 dBA. 高频信道噪声:HF channel noise Recording of noise in an HF radio channel after demodulation 粉红噪声:pink noise Pink Noise acquired by sampling high-quality analog noise generator (Wandel & Goltermann). Exhibits equal energy per 1/3 octave. 机枪噪声:Machine gun noise Machine Gun noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor microphone onto digital audio tape (DAT). The weapon used was a .50 calibre gun fired repeatedly. 工厂车间噪音1:Factory floor noise 1 Factory noise acquired by recording samples from 1/2" B&K condensor
2021-03-19 21:31:07 98.39MB Noise 噪声库 深度学习 DNN
2021-01-28 22:06:58 4.11MB 数据法 数据法盟
PostgreSQL DBA认证 PGCE-E-092-中级SQL题目,可以测试你对SQL的掌握程序,特别好的文档,分享给大家学习了
2021-01-28 03:03:39 563KB PostgreSQL PGCE-E-092
NoiseX-92完整版,内附噪声说明文档。 采用原始采用率19980Hz封装的wav文件,请使用MATLAB或Audition打开,直接使用播放器可能不支持这个采样率 用于语音增强、音源分离、语音可懂度增强、语音合成、语音识别等在噪声环境下的鲁棒性检测。 本资源有别于官网最新提供的mat文件,是老版wav资源还可以下载时收集的,比mat文件使用起来更方便。
2019-12-21 21:26:34 81.82MB NoiseX-92 噪声数据库 语音
2019-12-21 21:00:03 172B postgr postgi Arcgis