Vapnik V.N. The nature of statistical learning theory.pdf,经典书就不必再说了
2021-08-18 15:41:52 9.37MB vapnik statistical learning theory
奇点到来,超越人类 《Nature论文:人工智能从0-1自学打败阿法狗 》论文翻译.pdf
2021-08-17 09:13:48 1.41MB alphago
2021-08-15 01:30:51 898KB 材料
Interaction, wind, and better shading for your vegetation. Nature Shaders is a collection of shaders for your vegetation that brings you player interaction, wind simulations, better quality shading, and more. You can easily convert and import models from any source, such as SpeedTree, Megascans, or other assets from the Unity Asset Store. Nature Shaders’ unique algorithm automatically analyzes the models and materials and converts them for you. The shaders are built upon a shader-framework that is trusted and used by over 25,000 developers. You can expect polished, easy-to-use, and well-optimized shaders, with extensive documentation. Supports all platforms and all render pipelines The shaders work out-of-the-box in all render pipelines, without any additional setup. You can use your vegetation models in all render pipelines, even if the vegetation was not created for that specific pipeline. One-click Setup Just click on a prefab and convert it to a Nature Asset, and the prefab and materials are converted and configured for you automatically. FEATURES ――― Interaction Push down grass, have plants sway, and leave a trail behind objects. Any object in the scene can interact with vegetation. The only thing you need to do is add a collider to the object. Wind Simulate the wind passing through your vegetation, from calm days to violent storms. Translucency Simulate light passing through leaves. This results in more realistic lighting that shades your vegetation correctly in all lighting conditions. Color Correction Change the color of vegetation using accurate color correction methods. You can even add color variations for the same vegetation throughout the scene. Perspective Correction Tilt grass away from the camera when looked at from a top-down perspective. This creates a more dense and realistic look. Dynamic Masking Remove vegetation within a specific area, or reduce the density. Useful to hide vegetation under buildings, to let the player cut gr
2021-08-03 09:47:17 121B unity shader
资源包支持的Unity版本: - Unity 5.6 - Unity 2017 - Unity 2018 - Unity 2018 LW RP 4.9 - Unity 2018 HD RP 4.9 - Unity 2019 - Unity 2019.1 LW RP 5.7+ - Unity 2019.1 HD RP 5.7 - Unity 2019.2+ LW RP 6.9+ - Unity 2019.2+ HD RP 6.9+ - Unity 2019.3+ LW RP 7.18+ - Unity 2019.3+ HD RP 7.18+ - Unity 2019.3 URP 7.2+ - Unity 2019.3 HD RP 7.2+ - Unity 2019.4 LTS HD RP - Unity 2019.4 LTS URP - 针对 7.2+ 的标准、HD、URP 的 VS PRO 支持 - SRP 批处理器支持 Unity 2019.2、2019.3+ LW、URP 及 HD RP - DOTS 实例化 想要运行 HD 或 LW RP,请将资源包导入 HD 或 LW RP 项目中,然后导入“HD 和 LW RP 支持”或“HD 和 URP 支持”文件夹内资源中的支持资源包。它将取代着色器、预制件、网格,因此开箱即可用于 RP。另请查看该文件夹中的自述文件。 该资源包内含有8种PBR山脉冷杉,有63个预制件。(39个标准预制件+24个Vegetation Studio预制件)。树木可放置在森林里(森林树木特别版本)或单独放置。所有树木都与 Unity 地形和 Vegetation Studio 系统完美适配(需准备额外的预设)。均经过精心优化,根据扫描数据创建。树木的过度绘制、绘制调用和渲染耗能都很低。所有树木均包含非常高级的风着色。树木可被积雪动态叠加,该功能可让你在静态场景中调整树上的积雪数量。 我们准备了6种树木预制件: - 普通:4到8棵树有2种树皮材质,树皮上混合极佳 - 低耗:所有树木都只有1种树皮材质(更少绘制调用),所有树木都使用相同的树叶和树皮。这意味着8种树木将同时进行批处理(整个森林的绘制调用都很低)。 - 普通动态雪 - 低耗动态雪 - 普通静态雪 - 低耗静态雪 所有低耗版树木都是同时进行批处理的,所以即使场景中有 8 种不同的树木,绘制调用数也会大幅降低。
2021-08-03 09:47:16 121B unity tree
The aim of this book is to discuss the fundamental ideas which lie behind the statistical theory of learning and generalization. It considers learning as a general problem of function estimation based on empirical data. Omitting proofs and technical details, the author concentrates on discussing the main results of learning theory and their connections to fundamental problems in statistics. This second edition contains three new chapters devoted to further development of the learning theory and SVM techniques. Written in a readable and concise style, the book is intended for statisticians, mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists.
2021-07-28 18:54:52 9.64MB 统计学习
用了一晚上的时间,把The Nature Of Code的网页以及里面的源代码都下载了下来,同时内置了JQuery和MathJax库,可以做到完全离线浏览。如果代码无法加载,请使用FireFox浏览器或者自己使用一个简单的Http Server进行浏览。
2021-07-25 13:42:21 54.05MB processing 网页
2021-07-20 14:32:33 20.02MB nature 大数据
代码性质 使用 Clojure/Quil 了解代码的本质 用法 core.clj - 打开core.clj并按Ctrl+Shift+Enter来评估文件。 Emacs - 运行 cider,打开core.clj并按Cc Ck来评估文件。 REPL - 运行(require 'nature_of_code.core) 。 执照 版权所有 :copyright: 2014 FIXME 根据 Eclipse 公共许可证分发 1.0 版或(由您选择)任何更高版本。
2021-07-08 09:06:24 33KB Clojure
Clever Algorithms Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes by Jason Brownlee 这本书提供了一本来自元动脉学、生物启发计算和计算智能领域的算法食谱手册,这些食谱以完整、一致和集中的方式进行了描述。这些标准化描述经过精心设计,便于访问、可用和易于理解。本书中描述的算法大多最初受到生物和自然系统的启发,如遗传进化和后天免疫系统的适应能力,以及鸟类、蜜蜂、蚂蚁和细菌的觅食行为。这本书是百科全书算法参考,专供研究科学家、工程师、学生和感兴趣的业余爱好者使用。每个算法描述都提供 Ruby 编程语言中的工作代码示例。 by Jason Brownlee
2021-06-26 20:02:18 3.03MB 算法 Algorithm Programming 编程