DDD 实践-消息系统 DDD(领域驱动设计)理论结合实践
2021-03-13 13:09:10 18.88MB c# ddd 领域驱动设计
非常好和详细的DDD领域驱动设计工作坊操作手册,可以按照该操作手册的具体步骤一步一步来实施,来帮助客户进行工作坊活动。 该文档包含以下内容: 1. 工作坊准备 1.1 物料清单 1.2 准入条件 1.3 环境要求 1.4 流程概述 2. 工作坊实施 - 战略设计 2.1 事件风暴 - 识别领域事件 - 识别决策命令 - 识别领域名词 2.2 识别限界上下文 - 梳理上下文依赖关系 2.3 识别弹性边界 2.4 划分问题子域 3. 工作坊实施 - 战术设计 3.1 领域建模 3.2 重构产出物 3.3 划分业务服务
2021-02-25 15:03:16 11.22MB DDD 领域驱动设计 工作坊 战略设计
非常好和最为全面的DDD领域建模知识总结资料并包含了简单样例代码解读,该资料包含8个部分 1. 什么是DDD? 2. 为什么要使用DDD? 3. DDD核心概念 4. DDD需求分析、设计、开发流程 5. 基于微服务架构构建旅程 6. DDD设计原则 7. DDD常用架构模式 8. 简单代码案例讲解
2021-02-25 11:03:06 19.97MB DDD 微服务架构 领域驱动建模 战略设计
2021-02-19 13:07:07 981KB ddd
2021-01-29 11:12:30 5.51MB DDD 领域驱动设计
2019-12-21 21:34:34 766KB Axon CQRS DDD 领域驱动
These are the sample Bounded Contexts from the book "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" by Vaughn Vernon: http://vaughnvernon.co/?page_id=168 The models and surrounding architectural mechanisms may be in various states of flux as the are refined over time. Some tests may be incomplete. The code is not meant to be a reflection of a production quality work, but rather as a set of reference projects for the book.
2019-12-21 21:21:47 780KB DDD 领域设计
2019-12-21 20:35:47 687KB DDD JAVA
本书是Eric Evans对他自己写的《领域驱动设计-软件核心复杂性应对之道》的一本字典式的参考书,可用于快速查找《领域驱动设计》中的诸多概念及其简明解释。书是英文版的,2015年3月修订版,我已经加了目录,方便大家参阅。 Acknowledgements Definitions Pattern Language Overview I. Putting the Model to Work Bounded Context Ubiquitous Language Continuous Integration Model-Driven Design Hands-on Modelers Refactoring Toward Deeper Insight II. Building Blocks of a Model-Driven Design Layered Architecture Entities Value Objects Domain Events * Services Modules Aggregates Repositories Factories III. Supple Design Intention-Revealing Interfaces Side-Effect-Free Functions Assertions Standalone Classes Closure of Operations Declarative Design iii Drawing on Established Formalisms Conceptual Contours IV. Context Mapping for Strategic Design Context Map Partnership * Shared Kernel Customer/Supplier Development Conformist Anticorruption Layer Open-host Service Published Language Separate Ways Big Ball of Mud * V. Distillation for Strategic Design Core Domain Generic Subdomains Domain Vision Statement Highlighted Core Cohesive Mechanisms Segregated Core Abstract Core VI. Large-scale Structure for Strategic Design Evolving Order System Metaphor Responsibility Layers Knowledge Level Pluggable Component Framework
2019-12-21 20:12:31 458KB DDD 领域驱动设计 “Eric Evans"