AutoCAD 读取 Spline ,PolyLine 及Poyline3D上点坐标的插件,使用方法:(ACAD 2004 以上版本) 1)netload,载入dll 2) 运行Read 命令 3) 按界面提示操作
2022-01-14 11:09:18 18KB AutoCAD 读取点坐标
基数样条 / Catmull-Rom 用于 JavaScript/HTML5 的 Cardinal 样条(三次 Hermite 样条插值,带有张力选项的 Catmull-Rom)实现,它通过给定数组中的每个点对创建插值平滑曲线。 无需指定控制点。 为方便起见,存档附带三个单独的版本: curve.js - Canvas 2D context extension. Call curve() on the context (ctx.curve(...)) curve_func.js - if you get sweaty palms with the idea of using extensions: this is a pure function that takes the context as an argument instead of
2021-12-20 14:13:24 13KB JavaScript
有关于spline三次 样条曲线插值法java实现的方法
2021-12-20 13:27:18 33KB spline 三次样条曲线插值
2021-12-17 14:03:40 1.1MB Spline 数学建模 Matlab 插值
三次厄米样条 三次 Hermite 样条插值 任何维度中点/切线的插值,带有可选的导数计算。 插值器还可以采用类似结的矢量作为可选参数,这对于在用于位置/速度插值时在控制点强制执行时间可能很有用。 安装 $ npm install cubic-hermite-spline 例子 基本用法 var hermite = require ( 'cubic-hermite-spline' ) ; var points = [ [ - 1 , 0 ] , [ 0 , 0 ] , [ 1 , 0 ] ] ; var tangents = [ [ 1 , 1 ] , [ 0 , 1 ] , [ 1 , 1 ] ] ; for ( var t = 0 ; t < 1 ; t += 0.01 ) { var point = hermite ( t , points , tang
2021-12-08 19:48:46 3KB JavaScript
2021-12-02 15:06:31 3.41MB unity
B样条曲线和B样条基函数的生成算法和显示 包括均匀、准均匀、分段Bezier和两种非均匀B样条曲线的算法,采用C++和MFC编写,算法效率较低,请自行改进。
2021-11-30 19:13:55 9.89MB B样条 B样条曲线 B样条基 B-spline
Python-B-spline-examples Python 中关于使用 Numpy、Scipy 和 Matplotlib 评估和插值 B 样条曲线及其比较的示例。 要求 Python 2.7.x 或 3.xx, 麻木 西比 Matplotlib 弄脏手 假设您已经对 B 样条曲线有所了解,否则请使用谷歌搜索或。 让我们考虑一个名为plist的 9 点列表: plist = [( 3 , 1 ), ( 2.5 , 4 ), ( 0 , 1 ), ( - 2.5 , 4 ),( - 3 , 0 ), ( - 2.5 , - 4 ), ( 0 , - 1 ), ( 2.5 , - 4 ), ( 3 , - 1 ),] 我们将做两件事: A. 绘制三次 B 样条曲线,其中plist是控制多边形。 B.查找(内插),并绘制B样条曲线,该曲线走线槽的plist点和或使用三次B样条曲
2021-11-12 17:32:02 73KB Python
This book developed out of a set of lecture notes which I began preparing in the fall of 1970 for a course on spline functions at the University of Texas at Austin. The material, which I have been reworking ever since~ was expanded and revised several times for later courses at the Mathematics Research Center in Madison, the University of Munich, the University of Texas, and the Free University of Berlin. It was my original intent to cover both the theory and applications of spline functions in a single monograph, but the amount of interesting and useful material is so large that I found it impossible to give all of it a complete and comprehensive treatment in one volume.
2021-11-11 08:37:06 11.1MB SPLINE FUNCTIONS: Basic Theory
2021-11-09 11:39:13 98KB AE 等值线 IDW Krige