英文原版PDF文件,非扫描件。 Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic to Your Company’s Web Site 英文版非扫描 By Mike Moran and Bill Hunt Second Edition: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-606868-6, © 2009, 672 pages Search Engine Marketing, Inc., is a no-nonsense book about developing and implementing a search marketing program in your business. Full of explanations of both the business and technical aspects of search marketing, a beginner can learn each step—but this book is also full of tips that even experienced search marketers may not know. More than just quick fixes, this book offers timeless strategies for implementing a search engine marketing program in your business—one that delivers long-term results. Your search marketing program must focus on your Web site’s underlying goals (such as sales) rather than fixating on your rankings in search results. The second edition updates all chapters with the important developments in search marketing, including the sea change in paid search toward hybrid auctions, the advent of sitemaps to index your organic content, new keyword tools, and more. In addition, two brand-new chapters have been added: Explore New Media and Social Media: Find out how videos, podcasts, and other new kinds of media are sudden;y showing up in “blended” search results. And learn how you can get customers to pass along your marketing message through social media. Optimize Your Web Site Search: You’ve already learned so much about how organic search works. Why not apply that knowledge to improve the results of the search engine on your own Web site? Find out how a little extra knowledge can send you on your way to help your customers find what they are looking for once they are on your Web site. The second edition also adds a companion DVD with even more from Mike and bill, including over two hours of video presentations, audio podcasts, white papers, magazine columns, and more. This book is: A step-by-step guide to setting up and managing a
2021-04-28 23:34:09 15.48MB 原版 英文版 扫描 SEO
SEO百度搜索点击软件是一个强大的SEO工具,它能够帮助你快速提高自己网站的排名,模拟真实人工点击效果,智能切换IP,有效提升关键词的排名,适合用于刚起步不久做网络营销的人,欢迎大家前来下载 【功能特点】   1、提升关键词排名。   2、推广竞价点击。   3、刷网站流量访问量。   4、刷相关和下拉。 【软件优势】   1.软件是模拟人工的点击,安全性高   2.软件的模拟点击
2021-04-28 12:02:02 1.01MB 网络软件
2021-04-26 15:01:36 3.89MB 网页链接抓取 SEO软件 提取网页链接
用python实现百度PC端关键词覆盖率的查询 作者:brooks 公众号:布鲁的python 一、概述 1. 当我们要了解一批关键词的操作手法的时候,最简单的方法就是学习一下那些排名好的竞争对手的操作方 法。然后去模仿他们的做法,那么我们就需要拿这批关键词去百度进行搜索,然后提取出排名前面的竞争对 手的网址。 2. 当我们想了解一下自有网站在某些关键词的排名情况的时候,也是需要一个个关键词的去进行查询,然后提 取出自己网站的排名和对应的地址。
2021-04-23 09:52:37 30KB seo
2021-04-22 17:30:49 8.27MB SEO优化
源码简介与安装说明: 可视化编辑商城系统 可视化编辑商城系统也称企业网站程序,系统前台生成html、完全符合SEO、同时有在线客服、潜在客户跟踪、便捷的企业网站管理、搜索引擎推广等功能。 采用拖放技术,具有实时书写和文本编辑功能; 无需代码,自由拖拽布局,适应所有设备。鼠标拖动,即可完成网站设计制作; 图片上传、编辑、排版即可预览设计效果,添加链接,打打字,动感时尚网页瞬间生成; 并且不限制商业使用,包括您用网站系统提供客户建站服务,均可永久使用。 包括前后台Logo图片等信息,均可修改。 鼠标拖拽可视化编辑
2021-04-19 09:00:18 73.86MB 可视化编辑 商城系统
SEO伪原创工具介绍: 可自动将简体 或者繁体内容,进行再加工,转换为搜索引擎认可的原创文章,从而提高网站权重。 伪原创工具 伪原创工具是一款SEO高级工具,专门用来生成原创及伪原创文章。使用伪原创工具可以制作出互联网上具有唯一性的伪原创文章。 其专门针对百度和google的爬虫习惯以及分词算法而开发,通过本软件优化的文章,将更被搜索引擎所青睐. 解压后既可使用(需安装微软.NET Framework 2.0)
2021-04-17 14:01:50 1.49MB SEO工具 创工具
2021-04-17 04:30:01 185B 百度SEO 泛目录 泛站群 站群