An Efficient Reliable Communication Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Linear Network Coding
2021-02-09 22:04:53 2.12MB 研究论文
Environment reconstruction is to rebuild the physical environment in the cyberspace using the sensory data collected by sensor networks, which is a fundamental method for human to understand the physical world in depth. A lot of basic scientific work such as nature discovery and organic evolution he
2021-02-09 09:06:58 1.22MB wireless sensor networks; compressive
Charging utility maximization in wireless rechargeable sensor networks by charging multiple sensors simultaneously
2021-02-08 10:03:23 1.63MB 研究论文
Preparation and characterization of a liquid level sensor based on macro-bending coupling of fibers are demonstrated in this Letter. The sensitive component can be obtained through a twisting and twining structure of transparent cladding plastic fibers. The difference in light power originating from
2021-02-07 20:06:10 553KB
We propose and demonstrate a scheme to measure the distribution of temperature along an optical fiber based on pseudo-random sequence modulation. In our experimental work, current modulation with a pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) is applied to a laser diode that serves as the Brillouin pump light and reference light. Because of the independence of the spatial resolution on the PRBS length, the measurement range can be extended while maintaining high spatial resolution using a long PRBS length.
2021-02-07 20:06:09 519KB
Hollow Waveguide-Enhanced Mid-Infrared Sensor for Fast and Sensitive Ethylene Detection
2021-02-07 16:03:20 286KB 研究论文
Automatic Geographic Metadata Correction for Sensor-Rich Video Sequences
2021-02-07 12:05:56 1.03MB 研究论文
涡轮医用呼吸机 基于开源涡轮的医用呼吸机。 网页 影片播放清单: : list PLWOXOpFr- 贡献者: Syed Razwanul Haque Nabil(团队负责人,代码,算法,电路) Maruf Hossain Rahat(机械设计主管,研究) Fozlerabbi Shafi(GUI应用程序) Hasan Sohag(机械设计,组装)
2021-02-05 11:06:30 8.15MB android arduino sensor turbine
2021-02-02 12:07:31 72KB arduino sensor ping arduino-library
pulse sensor心率
2021-02-01 19:34:18 264.56MB 单片机