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贝克曼DXC全自动生化分析仪 LIS通讯协议。 UniCel® DxC 600 UniCel® DxC 800
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Product Details Paperback: 254 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (Nov 16 2005) Language: English ISBN-10: 0387277811 ISBN-13: 978-0387277813 Product Description: Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials: Fundamentals for Investigators introduces the investigator and statistician to monitoring procedures in clinical research. Clearly presenting the necessary background with limited use of mathematics, this book increases the knowledge, experience, and intuition of investigations in the use of these important procedures now required by the many clinical research efforts. The author provides motivated clinical investigators the background, correct use, and interpretation of these monitoring procedures at an elementary statistical level. He defines terms commonly used such as group sequential procedures and stochastic curtailment in non-mathematical language and discusses the commonly used procedures of Pocock, O’Brien–Fleming, and Lan–DeMets. He discusses the notions of conditional power, monitoring for safety and futility, and monitoring multiple endpoints in the study. The use of monitoring clinical trials is introduced in the context of the evolution of clinical research and one chapter is devoted to the more recent Bayesian procedures.
2020-01-03 11:26:42 1.79MB Clinical trials brownian motion