TSM:高效视频理解的时移模块 @inproceedings{lin2019tsm, title={TSM: Temporal Shift Module for Efficient Video Understanding}, author={Lin, Ji and Gan, Chuang and Han, Song}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision}, year={2019} } [NEW!]我们更新了online_demo的环境设置,并且应该更容易设置。 检查文件夹尝试! [NEW!]我们已经在Kinetics上发布了预训练的光流模型。 我们相信预先训练的权重将有助于在其他数据集上训练两个流模型。 [NEW!]我们已经在NVIDIA Je
2022-11-24 18:46:41 194KB acceleration low-latency video-understanding tsm
With Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), smart devices are about to become even smarter. This practical guide demonstrates how this exciting wireless technology helps developers build mobile apps that share data with external hardware, and how hardware engineers can gain easy and reliable access to mobile operating systems., This book provides a solid, high-level overview of how devices use BLE to communicate with each other. You'll learn useful low-cost tools for developing and testing BLE-enabled mobile apps and embedded firmware and get examples using various development platforms—including iOS and Android for app developers and embedded platforms for product designers and hardware engineers.
2022-11-24 14:07:59 17.47MB 蓝牙
12 low poly hand painted micro monsters, and 3 heroes, all are rigged and fully animated. Heroes Druid Lara (670 Tris) Knight Balan (663 Tris) Wizard Morgan Fizban (718 Tris) Monsters Bat Vlad (608 Tris) Demon Daryl (622 Tris) Dragon Fino (400 Tris) Ghost Hubert (552 Tris) Mummy Taal (302 Tris) Orc Gronk (396 Tris) Skeleton Tom (284 Tris) Squid Dave (420 Tris) Ghoul Gobrot (868 Tris) Troll Malak (666 Tris) Werewolf Otis (362 Tris) Zombie Brian (314 Tris) 2048 Textures (easy to downsize as req
2022-11-15 09:26:00 37.84MB unity
一、背景 在“搞”深度学习时,除非富如东海,往往都不会直接用大量数据来训练一个网络;一般情况下,比较省钱且高效的思路是利用一些预训练的模型,并在其基础上进行再训练优化,达到自己的目的。 因此,在本博客中将简单记录一下,如何在PyTorch基础上读取预训练模型的参数,并添加到自己的模型中去,从而尽可能减少自己的计算量。 为了直接讲明整个过程,本文设计了一个实验,首先设计了一个网络,其前半部分与FlowNetSimple的Encode一致,后半部分是全连接的分类网络。 下图是FlowNetSimple的网络结构,其中的refinement部分是Decode结构(类似UNet) 本文设计的结构,其
2022-11-07 18:55:42 208KB c le low
Pulse Express板可轻松获取三个重要参数-SpO2,心率和血压趋势(BPT)。
2022-11-07 16:23:19 293KB bluetooth low energy medical
Description of STM32F1 L4 L4+ G0 HAL and Low-layer drivers STMCubeTM is an STMicroelectronics original initiative to make developers' lives easier by reducing development efforts, time and cost. STM32Cube covers the whole STM32 portfolio.
2022-11-06 03:50:35 24.57MB stm32 Hal
Low complexity ZF detection algorithm for Massive MIMO systems
2022-11-02 06:31:55 232KB 研究论文
提出了一种基于低秩矩阵逼近(LRMA)和加权核范数最小化(WNNM)正则化的去噪算法,以消除磁共振图像的Rician噪声。 该技术将来自嘈杂的3D MR数据的相似的非局部立方块简单地分组到一个补丁矩阵中,每个块按字典顺序矢量化为一列,计算该矩阵的奇异值分解(SVD),然后是LRMA的闭式解通过用不同的阈值硬阈值不同的奇异值来实现。 去噪块是从低秩矩阵的此估计中获得的,整个无噪声MR数据的最终估计是通过汇总彼此重叠的所有去噪示例块来建立的。 为了进一步提高WNNM算法的去噪性能,我们首先在两个迭代的正则化框架中实现了上述去噪过程,然后利用基于单像素补丁的简单非局部均值(NLM)滤波器来减少WNNM算法的去噪强度。均匀面积。 所提出的降噪算法与相关的最新技术进行了比较,并在合成和真实3D MR数据上产生了非常有竞争力的结果。
2022-10-25 15:46:10 896KB Non-local similarity; Low-rank matrix
基于Visual C++进行软件编程,选择适当的集总参数原型电路,在建立好滤波器的数学模型后,根据要求的频响衰减特性运行软件得出所需的电抗元件数目n和归一化元件值,再应用网络综合理论,决定各电抗元件的数值。
low level b-channel stuff for Siemens HSCX.
2022-09-19 22:00:46 2KB low