(16)2020.8.9 一步一步搭建可扩展高可靠的Android Webview模块(上)-Allen老师.rar
2021-11-30 13:01:24 307.73MB java
CMOS 模拟IC设计-艾伦 课件 适合模拟IC入门自学者配合Allen同名书籍使用 Phillip Allen received his PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas in 1970. He retired from the School of Electrical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology as Professor Emeritus in 2005. He has worked for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Pacific Missile Range, Texas Instruments and consulted with numerous companies. He has taught at the University of Nevada at Reno, University of Kansas, University of California at Santa Barbara, and Texas A&M University. His technical interest include analog integrated circuit and systems design with focus on implementing low voltage and high frequency circuits and systems in standard CMOS technology. He has conducted research in frequency synthesizers, RF, IF, and baseband filters compatible with standard IC technology. He has over 60 refereed publications in the area of analog circuits and has coauthored Theory and Design of Active Filters (1980), Switched Capacitor Filters (1984), CMOS Analog Circuit Design (1987), and VLSI Design Techniques for Analog and Digital Circuits (1990). He is presently active in teaching short courses on analog IC design to professionals worldwide. 2004 Short Course Notes: Chapter 1 - introduction Chapter 2 - Technology Chapter 3 - Models Chapter 4 - Subcircuits Chapter 5 - Amplifiers Chapter 6 - Op amps Chapter 7 - High performance op amps Chapter 8 - Comparators Chapter 9 - Switched capacitor circuits Chapter 10 - AD and DA converters
2021-11-24 09:53:20 11.01MB 模拟IC 模拟集成电路 CMOS 艾伦Allen
C/C++經典書籍,by Mark Allen Weiss, 文檔絕對清晰歡迎下載
2021-11-18 14:58:41 4.32MB 數據結構 演算法 Mark Allen
Allen CMOS 模拟 集成电路 习题解答 值得参考
2021-10-26 10:42:20 2.59MB Allen CMOS 模拟 集成电路
[Think.Python(2012.8)].Allen.B.Downey.文字版.pdf [Think.Python(2012.8)].Allen.B.Downey.文字版.pdf
2021-10-23 07:28:10 10.2MB Python
十几年实际应用的总提炼出来的工作经验和技巧,共分三部分,第一部分介绍数据建模的基础理论和方法,第二部分以一个模型实例介绍在实际应用中怎样应用数据建模理论和方法,包括事务系统中的概念、逻辑、物理三个阶段建模和数据仓库中的多维建模,第三部分介绍如何为开发人员增加价值。 适用于希望在关系数据建模获得指导的数据库程序设计人员、开发人员和DBA。
2021-10-07 20:38:02 32.68MB 数据建模 计算机科学
CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design Course
2021-09-17 15:50:17 7.32MB CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit
2021-09-13 20:28:57 22.19MB cmos模电
an advanced algorithms book that bridges the gap between traditional CS2 and Algorithms Analysis courses.
2021-09-07 10:12:58 4.21MB Mark Allen Weiss
西门子_TP900 Comfort 与 Allen-Bradley ControlLogix5500 通讯pdf,
2021-09-03 09:33:16 793KB 产品样本