用visual foxpro编写,用户自行输入数据,可以进行一元线性回归的有关计算
2021-06-16 11:27:57 7KB 线性回归 VFP
为朋友用VFP 编写的图书管理系统,功能:新增,修改和删除图书信息,并可以直接用打开路径(ebook)文件。
2021-06-08 22:20:44 196KB VFP管理系统
2021-06-08 00:04:00 6KB GBToUTF8
2021-06-07 14:48:55 101KB vfp excel word
AES 128 (requires a 16 character Key)、AES 192 (requires a 24 character Key)、AES 256 (requires a 32 character Key)、Blowfish (key between 1 and 56 characters)、TEA (requires a 16 character Key)、RC4 (Key can be any length);SHA1 (a.k.a SHA160)、SHA256、SHA384、SHA512 t、MD5、RIPEMD128、RIPEMD160等
2021-06-02 16:55:39 134KB VFP MD5 CRC 加密解密
vfp 背后的秘密,经典。 Who Needs This Book? We love Visual FoxPro. We'd rather use it to develop applications than any other product we've ever worked with. But (isn't there always a "but"?) Visual FoxPro isn't perfect. Some parts of the language don't work as they should. Others do what they're supposed to, but we can't imagine why anyone thinks you'd want to do that. And some pieces do exactly what they're supposed to and it's a good thing to do, but it's hard as heck to understand. We should add that the Visual FoxPro documentation is good—in fact, it gets better with each new version—but there are still too many places where it's incorrect, incomplete, or sometimes a bit incomprehensible. Enter this book. This is the book for the times when you've done just as the manual shows, but it still doesn't work and you're running out of hair to pull out. It's for those days when you think you've found a command that does what you need, but you can't make any sense of what Help has to say about it. We'll tell you how it really works or why you shouldn't do it the way the manual shows—or tell you that it doesn't work at all, and show you how to do it another way.
2021-06-01 16:44:07 4.21MB FoxPro vfp
2021-05-28 18:02:04 522B vfp access
2021-05-28 18:02:03 748B Vfp txt
【摘要】 随着我国经济的迅速发展和假日经济的出现,宾馆酒店业的竞争愈来愈激烈。要想在竞争中取得优势,必须在经营管理、产品服务等方面提高服务管理意识。而对酒店的经营状况起决定作用的是酒店的管理。如何利用先进的管理手段,提高酒店的管理水平,是每一家酒店的管理者所面临的重要课题。简单的服务标准已经不是制胜的锦囊,只有做到最细微之处才有机会让顾客体会到酒店服务的优点,而准确、快捷、周全往往就是最基本的成功要素。虽然计算机管理并不是酒店走向成功的关键元素,但它可以最大限度的为准确、快捷、周全等要素发挥效用提供有力的支持。因此,采用全新的计算机网络和管理系统,将成为提高酒店的管理效率,改善服务水准的重要手段之一。面对信息时代的机遇和挑战,利用科技手段提高企业管理无疑是一条行之有效的途径。信息与科技在酒店管理与现代化建设中显现出越来越重要的地位。在某种意义上,酒店客房状态管理方面的信息化与科学化,已成为现代化酒店的重要标志。
2021-05-27 17:53:17 1.16MB sql
这是一个VFP纯PRG的GridHeader类, 它的功能是单击一下升序, 再单击一下降序, 再单击一下原序。 把这个类代替原来的Grid的Header类就可以了, 不必再加其它任何代码!
2021-05-27 11:14:07 9KB VFP 纯PRG GridHeader类