安装MySQL时需要安装Visual studio 2010 Tools For office Runtime,但是安装时会提示缺少vc_red.msi文件,详情请看文章
2022-05-15 18:01:13 32.92MB 源码软件
2022-05-14 00:06:31 5.7MB 2016开源大赛(第一届)
2022-05-13 12:45:00 357KB 自然语言处理 试卷 宗成庆
安装完以后,打开outlook,文件-选项-加载项-管理“COM 加载项”转到-添加,找到软件安装目录,添加.dll文件。重开outlook,在菜单栏会多一个“ReliefJet”-Quicks options-minimine outlook on close打钩,保存,搞定
2022-05-12 15:36:54 2.96MB Outlook 2016 关闭为最小化
matlab国旗代码Python和Matlab的IRI2016电离层模型 Python和国际参考电离层(IRI)2016模型的接口。 需要一个Fortran编译器来构建IRI2016代码。 安装 先决条件 Fortran编译器-任何现代的Fortran编译器都可以使用。 以下是获取Gfortran的方法: Linux: apt install gfortran Mac: brew install gcc Windows:考虑 然后安装最新版本: pip install iri2016 如果您想要最新的开发版本: git clone https://github.com/space-physics/iri2016 pip install -e iri2016 IRI2016的此Python包装器使用了我们的运行时构建技术。 在首次运行或iri2016.IRI()将构建Fortran代码-我们称其为“运行时构建”。 如果您在首次运行时遇到有关构建的错误,请确保在环境变量FC中指定了Fortran编译器-这是大多数构建系统用来指示所需的Fortran编译器(名称或完整路径)的工具。 手动构建
2022-05-11 19:21:39 5.01MB 系统开源
With the advancement of computer technology, the software market is exploding with tons of software choices for the user, making their expectations higher in terms of functionality and the look and feel of the application. Therefore, improving the visual quality of your application is vital in order to overcome the market competition and stand out from the crowd. This book will teach you how to develop functional and appealing software using Qt5 through multiple projects that are interesting and fun. This book covers a variety of topics such as look-and-feel customization, GUI animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more. You will learn tons of useful information, and enjoy the process of working on the creative projects provided in this book. What you will learn Customize the look and feel of your application using the widget editor provided by Qt5 Change the states of the GUI elements to make them appear in a different form Animating the GUI elements using the built-in animation system provided by Qt5 Draw shapes and 2D images in your application using Qt5’s powerful rendering system Draw 3D graphics in your application by implementing OpenGL, an industry-standard graphical library to your project Build a mobile app that supports touch events and export it to your device Parse and extract data from an XML file, then present it on your software’s GUI Display web content on your program and interact with it by calling JavaScript functions from C++, or calling C++ functions from the web content Access to MySQL and SQLite databases to retrieve data and display it on your software’s GUI
2022-05-11 11:38:00 4.21MB Qt5 C++ GUI Programming
软件介绍: Any DWG to PDF Converter Pro是一款CAD文件转换器,它能将DWG/DXF转换为高品质的PDF文件。使用方法上也比较简单,启动软件后添加文件到待转换文件列表中,支持添加文件夹进行批量转换,或从资源管理器中拖动文件到文件列表,可在选项中设置输出选项,设置PDF文件的大小颜色及质量,支持自定义,纵向和横向模式可以通过交换的宽度和高度值可很容易地进行切换,自动根据图纸大小来调整页面大小。线宽笔宽比例,默认线宽精细在屏幕上显示。软件为特别版,输入任意注册码就能注册成功。
2022-05-10 23:10:23 11.19MB 其他资源
2022-05-10 10:55:14 214KB ISO9001
2022-05-09 21:42:35 33.05MB Excel 数据分析 高宏 2016年
2022-05-09 19:09:19 2.67MB TSN协议 IEEE802.3br