MQTT Web面板 MQTT的实时Web界面。 演示版 。 特征 实时更新数据 显示所选期间的统计信息 响应界面 RESTful API 要求 Node.js >= 8.5 MongoDB >= 3.4 入门 本地安装 git clone cd mqtt-web-panel npm install npm start 您的应用程序应在上运行。 在Raspberry Pi上安装 安装Node.js: $ sudo apt install nodejs 检查安装: node -v 安装mqtt-web-panel: git clone cd mqtt-web-panel npm install np
2022-02-25 15:05:13 155KB mqtt real-time dashboard mqtt-client
The theory and practice of time series analysis have developed rapidly since the appear- ance in 1970 of the seminal work of George E. P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins, Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, now available in its third edition (1994) with co-author Gregory C. Reinsel. Many books on time series have appeared since then, but some of them give too little practical application, while others give too little theoretical background. This book attempts to present both application, and theory at a level acces- sible to a wide variety of students and practitioners. Our approach is to mix application and theory throughout the book as they are naturally needed.
2022-02-24 10:42:00 6.16MB 时间序列
This unique book provides readers with an understanding of the TMS320C66xx SoC as well as its constraints. It offers critical analysis of each element, which not only broadens their knowledge of the subject, but aids them in gaining a better understanding of how these elements work so well together. Written by Texas Instruments’ First DSP Educator Award winner, Naim Dahnoun, the book teaches readers how to use the development tools, take advantage of the maximum performance and functionality of this processor and have an understanding of the rich content which spans from architecture, development tools and programming models, such as OpenCL and OpenMP, to debugging tools. It also covers various multicore audio and image applications in detail. Additionally, this one-of-a-kind book is supplemented with: A rich set of tested laboratory exercises and solutions Audio and Image processing applications source code for the Code Composer Studio (integrated development environment from Texas Instruments) Multiple tables and illustrations
2022-02-23 23:28:19 86.64MB Multicore DSP Algorithms TMS320C66x
C ++时间适配器库 该库提供了用于访问系统时间的实用程序。 设置 使用柯南下载 该库旨在通过使用软件包管理器进行安装。 因此,您只需要在柯南食谱中添加以下要求: def requirements ( self ): self . requires ( "TimeAdapter/1.0.0@systelab/stable" ) 仅以示例设置此代码的版本号。 将其替换为要检索的所需软件包版本。 由于此软件包在conan-center上不可用,因此您还需要在安装依赖项之前配置一个远程存储库: conan remote add systelab-public 有关如何将此软件包与构建系统集成的更多详细信息,请参见Conan。 从源构
2022-02-22 23:05:47 34KB C++
Since PDP-11 Unix became operational in February, 1971, over 600 installations have been put into service. Most of them are engaged in applications such as computer science education, the preparation and formatting of documents and other textual material, the collection and processing of trouble data from various switching machines within the Bell System, and recording and checking telephone service orders. Our own installation is used mainly for research in operating systems, languages, computer networks, and other topics in computer science, and also for document preparation.
2022-02-21 09:59:26 91KB R&K
2022-02-21 09:16:10 2KB unity 学习 游戏引擎
ISO 8601-1:2019 Date and time — Representations for information interchange — Part 1: Basic rules
2022-02-16 16:23:07 1.98MB 标准
2022-02-16 02:38:44 17.45MB
This book describes the design and implementation of mC/OS-II (pronounced "Micro C O S 2") which stands forMicro-Controller Operating System Version 2. μC/OS -II is based on μC/OS, The Real-Time Kernel which was firstpublished in 1992. Thousands of people around the world are using μC/OS in all kinds of applications such ascameras, medical instruments, musical instruments, engine controls, network adapters, highway telephone call boxes,ATM machines, industrial robots, and many more. Nu merous colleges and Universities have also used μC/OS toteach students about real-time systems.μC/OS-II is upward compatible with μC/OS (V1.11) but provides many improvements over μC/OS such as theaddition of a fixed-sized memory manager, user definable callouts on task creation, task deletion, task switch andsystem tick, supports TCB extensions, stack checking and, much more. I also added comments to just about everyfunction and I made μC/OS -II much easier to port to different processors. The source code in μC/OS was found in twosource files. Because μC/OS-II contains many new features and functions, I decided to split μC/OS-II in a few sourcefiles to make the code easier to maintain.If you currently have an application (i.e. product) that runs with μC/OS, your application should be able to run,virtually unchanged, with μC/OS-II. All of the services (i.e. function calls) provided by μC/OS have been preserved.You may, however, have to change include files and product build files to ‘point’ to the new file names.This book contains ALL the source code for μC/OS-II and a port for the Intel 80x86 processor running in Real-Modeand for the Large Model. The code was developed on a PC running the Microsoft Windows 95 operating system.Examples run in a DOS compatible box under the Windows 95 environment. Development was done using theBorland International C/C++ compiler version 3.1. Although μC/OS-II was developed and tested on a PC, mC/OS-IIwas actually targeted for embedded systems and can easily be ported to many different processor architectures.
2022-02-15 16:44:36 1.03MB uCOSII
2022-02-15 15:13:00 10.4MB Time 时间控件 MFC