2022-09-09 16:18:03 96KB 汇编语言 DSP 优化技术 文章
This unique book provides readers with an understanding of the TMS320C66xx SoC as well as its constraints. It offers critical analysis of each element, which not only broadens their knowledge of the subject, but aids them in gaining a better understanding of how these elements work so well together. Written by Texas Instruments’ First DSP Educator Award winner, Naim Dahnoun, the book teaches readers how to use the development tools, take advantage of the maximum performance and functionality of this processor and have an understanding of the rich content which spans from architecture, development tools and programming models, such as OpenCL and OpenMP, to debugging tools. It also covers various multicore audio and image applications in detail. Additionally, this one-of-a-kind book is supplemented with: A rich set of tested laboratory exercises and solutions Audio and Image processing applications source code for the Code Composer Studio (integrated development environment from Texas Instruments) Multiple tables and illustrations
2022-02-23 23:28:19 86.64MB Multicore DSP Algorithms TMS320C66x
本资源包括数个C66x开发相关的中文手册,如下:DSP C66x技术参考手册-高速外围设备互连总线(PCIe)、HyperLink 用户指南、TMS320C6655 和 TMS320C6657 定点及浮点数字信号处理器、多核共享内存控制器 (MSMC) 用户指南、通用输入输出 (GPIO) 用户指南
2021-11-10 13:48:57 74.57MB C6678 DSP 中文手册
TMS320C66x汇编指令集 The TMS320C66x is the next-generation fixed and floating-point DSP. The new DSP enhances the TMS320C674x, which merged the TMS320C67x+ floating point and the TMS320C64x+ fixed point instruction set architectures.This document describes the CPU architecture, pipeline, instruction set, and interrupts of the C66x DSP.
2021-09-29 16:46:27 8.43MB DSP C66x 嵌入式 算法
非常c66x适合入门让的中文资料 下载即节约50 内容如下: 芯片介绍 架构介绍 编程指南 RTOS介绍 各种接口及使用实例介绍
2021-09-17 09:08:35 56.64MB dsp tns320c6678 6678 c66x入门
DSP C66x技术参考手册-高速外围设备互连总线(PCIe) HyperLink 用户指南 TMS320C6655 和 TMS320C6657 定点及浮点数字信号处理器 多核共享内存控制器 (MSMC) 用户指南 通用输入输出 (GPIO) 用户指南
2021-07-29 10:31:51 71.23MB TMS320C66x 中文数据 手册 DSP
内存与缓存 | TMS320C66x XMC内存保护 SPRACE2–January 2018 中英文对照翻译
2021-07-22 16:07:44 946KB dsp
TMS320C66x KeyStone架构多核DSP入门与实例精解.pdf牛金海
2020-01-03 11:16:50 118.79MB DSP
2019-12-21 20:50:29 69.93MB 6678 DSP 牛金海