VclSkin for XE4 - XE7
2023-06-19 14:54:21 8.16MB VclSkin for XE4 -
delphi7 delphi xe7 java中关于3des的加密,得出的结果是一样,主要用的是CBC,带偏移量iv的,其他可以自己研究,txt里是源码,具体使用做了说明
2023-06-13 16:13:19 56KB delphi
delphi xe7破解工具集合
2023-06-09 10:31:14 1.29MB delphi xe7 破解 工具
2023-05-17 17:00:29 8.05MB Delphi
DIHtmlParser is an advanced HTML parsing and processing suite for Delphi Embarcadero CodeGear Borland DIHtmlParser reads extracts information from and writes HTML XHTML and XML Full Unicode support UnicodeString or WideString depending on Delphi version Reads and writes over 70 character sets natively independent of the OS More than 150 are supported with the help of DIConverters Operates on TStreams memory buffers or strings Returns a single piece of HTML to the application at a time Extends easily via the TDIHtmlParserPlugin interface ">DIHtmlParser is an advanced HTML parsing and processing suite for Delphi Embarcadero CodeGear Borland DIHtmlParser reads extracts information from and writes HTML XHTML and XML Full Unicode support UnicodeString or WideString depending on Delphi version Reads and writes over 70 charac [更多]
2023-05-12 21:50:25 7.34MB DIHtmlParser Full
EhLib Build 6.3.184 支持到 XE7 源码安装版,支持 Win7 64位,用户管理员方式打开 Installer 文件夹下面的 EhLibInstaller 已经修改原版中的错误提示,修改后,系统自动检测,再选择对应的版本,就会自动安装。亲测可用
2023-04-25 10:05:21 12.55MB enlib
Rad Studio XE 7 Update 1 破解]XE7UP1Kg13_Unis 我在Window7 64位下测试过了,能用,分享给大家
2023-03-27 16:17:24 1.21MB Delphi XE7 Rad Studio
1、整合 CrackerJack 的特别补丁、sn 等 相对原始部署方式,这个 Activator 实现“一键激活”! 使用方法: 1、执行 Activator.exe
2023-03-27 15:37:52 56KB Delphi XE7 破解 激活
TMS Component Pack D7-XE7 Full Source,支援 Delphi XE7 的終於出來了!有使用 TMS Component Pack 的趕緊更新吧! 另外還有DEMO與文件,在另一個下載。
2023-03-07 13:09:59 59.69MB TMS Component Pack Delphi
Delphi XE7 Update1完美破解,不多说。
2023-02-24 15:33:14 1.21MB Delphi XE7 Update1 破解