python3+Pytest 接口自动化测试全方案设计与开发源码
2022-09-30 13:59:17 3.17MB 代码规范
分享课程——Selenium3+Pytest+Allure 全流程实战自动化测试,附源码+电子书+软件下载。 本课程以时下主流的测试框架Selenium3+Pytest+Allure,手把手带你实践自动化测试全流程工作,体验自动化测试的畅快,大大提升个人效率。
2022-08-30 20:03:12 455B Selenium3 Pytest Allure 自动化测试
pytest Quick Start Guide pdf 来源:[pytest Quick Start Guide - 2018.pdf]( Learn the pytest way to write simple tests which can also be used to write complex tests Key Features Become proficient with pytest from day one by solving real-world testing problems Use pytest to write tests more efficiently Scale from simple to complex and functional testing Book Description Python's standard unittest module is based on the xUnit family of frameworks, which has its origins in Smalltalk and Java, and tends to be verbose to use and not easily extensible.The pytest framework on the other hand is very simple to get started, but powerful enough to cover complex testing integration scenarios, being considered by many the true Pythonic approach to testing in Python. In this book, you will learn how to get started right away and get the most out of pytest in your daily work?ow, exploring powerful mechanisms and plugins to facilitate many common testing tasks. You will also see how to use pytest in existing unittest-based test suites and will learn some tricks to make the jump to a pytest-style test suite quickly and easily. What you will learn Write and run simple and complex tests Organize tests in fles and directories Find out how to be more productive on the command line Markers and how to skip, xfail and parametrize tests Explore fxtures and techniques to use them effectively, such as tmpdir, pytestconfg, and monkeypatch Convert unittest suites to pytest using little-known techniques Use third-party plugins Who this book is for This book is for Python programmers that want to learn more about testing. This book is also for QA testers, and those who already benefit from programming with tests daily but want to improve their existing testing tools.
2022-08-28 12:08:48 2.45MB python pytest 自动化测试
pytest 是一个成熟的全功能 Python 测试工具,可以帮助您编写更好的程序。它与 Python 自带的 Unittest 测试框架类似,但 pytest 使用起来更简洁和高效,并且兼容 unittest 框架。此总结,适用于想了解pytest自动化测试框架的demo以及框架分析的朋友
2022-08-17 14:06:33 875KB pytest
框架源码 这些资料,对于做接口测试的朋友来说应该是最正确的选择,这个框架的学习也使我进步了不少,如果你也想要学习自动化接口测试,希望也能帮助到你!凡事要趁早,特别是技术行业,一定要提升技术功底。希望对大家有所帮助…….
2022-07-18 15:19:06 1.02MB python 测试工程师 接口测试 yaml
APP自动化测试框架搭建 Python+Appium+pytest-html(
2022-07-11 14:09:44 14.45MB app自动化
2022-06-19 18:00:11 5KB pytest
适合要走自动化测试的朋友下载查看,pytest入门,任务是: 了解pytest测试框架的特点 掌握pytest基本使用 掌握pytest常用的场景 掌握pytest运行参数和配置方法 感兴趣的朋友多多支持
2022-06-10 09:00:18 7KB pytest
2022-06-01 20:03:52 11.72MB 测试工程师
pytest UI 自动化框架
2022-05-23 10:03:44 13.85MB ui 自动化 源码软件 运维