2021-05-22 14:49:49 270B MATLAB
The emergent light distribution of a new type of contact laser scalpel is measured in three different states using a light sensor. The relationship between the angle and the light intensity is analyzed. The results show that the strongest light is emitted from two sides and the front of the scalpel.
2021-02-10 16:05:34 461KB 激光刀头 出射光分 绿激光
We present a new edge-preserving image smoothing approach by incorporating local features into a holistic optimization framework. Our method embodies a gradient constraint to enforce detail eliminating and an intensity constraint to achieve shape maintaining. The gradients of high-contrast details are suppressed to a lower magnitude, subsequent to which structural edges can be located. The intensities of a small region are regulated to resemble the initial fabric, which facilitates further detai
2021-02-07 12:06:23 1.37MB edge detection; feature extraction