To use this software, YOU MUST CITE the following in any resulting publication:
[1] Efficient Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts.
Y. Boykov, O. Veksler, R.Zabih. IEEE TPAMI, 20(12):1222-1239, Nov 2001.
[2] What Energy Functions can be Minimized via Graph Cuts?
V. Kolmogorov, R.Zabih. IEEE TPAMI, 26(2):147-159, Feb 2004.
[3] An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for
Energy Minimization in Vision. Y. Boykov, V. Kolmogorov.
IEEE TPAMI, 26(9):1124-1137, Sep 2004.
Furthermore, if you use the label cost feature (setLabelCost), you should cite
[4] Fast Approximate Energy Minimization with Label Costs.
A. Delong, A. Osokin, H. N. Isack, Y. Boykov. In CVPR, June 2010.