使用Yocto项目进行嵌入式Linux开发-第二版 这是发行的进行的代码库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 Yocto Project被证明是创建可靠的嵌入式Linux项目的最佳集成框架。 它具有诸如缩短开发时间,提高可靠性和健壮性等功能,因此具有优于其他框架的优势。 使用Yocto Project进行嵌入式Linux开发首先是对所有Yocto Project工具的深入说明,以帮助您执行不同的基于Linux的任务。 然后,本书继续深入介绍Poky和BitBake。 它还包括使用嵌入式Linux可用的Yocto Project工具构建Linux子系统项目的一些实际用例。 本书还涵盖了SDK,recipetool等主题。 到本书结尾,您将学习如何为实际的硬件板生成和运行映像,并获得使用Yocto Project构建高效Linux系统的动手经验。 说明和导航
2023-12-16 10:38:45 287KB BitBake
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Develop powerful embedded Linux systems with the Yocto Project components About This Book A hands-on guide to enhance your ability to develop captivating embedded Linux projects Learn about the compelling features offered by the Yocto Project, such as customization, virtualization, and many more Illustrates concepts such device-emulation and cross-compiling in a pragmatic and lucid way Who This Book Is For If you are a Yocto and Linux enthusiast who wants to build embedded Linux systems but do not have the knowledge to do it, this is the book for you. It will also help those of you who have a bit of knowledge about Linux and the embedded world and are keen on learning more about the technology. This book will provide you with the skills needed to successfully interact with the Yocto Project components regardless of the fact that you are new to embedded development or an expert. In Detail This book offers readers an idea of what embedded Linux software and hardware architecture looks like, cross-compiling, and also presents information about the bootloader and how it can be built for a specific board. This book will go through Linux kernel features and source code, present information on how to build a kernel source, modules, and the Linux root filesystem. You'll be given an overview of the available Yocto Project components, how to set up Yocto Project Eclipse IDE, and how to use tools such as Wic and Swabber that are still under development. It will present the meta-realtime layer and the newly created meta-cgl layer, its purpose, and how it can add value to poky. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Cross-compiling Chapter 3. Bootloaders Chapter 4. Linux Kernel Chapter 5. The Linux Root Filesystem Chapter 6. Components of the Yocto Project Chapter 7. ADT Eclipse Plug-ins Chapter 8. Hob, Toaster, and Autobuilder Chapter 9. Wic and Other Tools Chapter 10. Real-time Chapter 11. Security Chapter 12. Virtualization Chapter 13. CGL and LSB
2023-06-15 22:22:13 5.83MB Embedded Linux Yocto