Mobius institute——vibration analysis 外国简单易用的振动分析讲稿,从中可以学会振动分析的定义以及怎么做振动分析
2022-03-15 10:22:49 3.67MB Vibration Analys 振动 振动分析
RUL来自振动信号 问题:要预测轴承在工业资产(如泵,压缩机,变速箱等)中的剩余寿命,请查看支持文件。 参考研究论文:ANN泵寿命预测.pdf 有关数据,请联系: 可交付成果: •显示RMS和峰度的图形•Weibull危险率和参数估计(形状和比例参数) 培训和验证集的结果 •测试仪的输出性能 •建议模型的训练和验证错误(如参考研究论文所示) •多传感器融合的想法,可以实际预测整个旋转设备的剩余用途
2022-03-08 20:58:53 7MB JupyterNotebook
Fundementals Of Mechanical Vibration SECOND EDITION S.Graham Kelly 非常经典的教材,作振动研究的建议看看
2022-02-22 20:13:07 19.91MB Fundementals Of Mechanical Vibration
GitHub上的开源项目,用于Unity开发项目中的手机振动,Android Ios都可以用
2022-02-09 19:02:28 12KB unity
Relevant time durations for modern science range from the femtosecond of very fast electronics to the age of the universe, 15 billion years. This corresponds to a range of about 32 orders of magnitude. Moreover, this variable can be controlled and measured with an accuracy better than 10−14 by modern atomic clocks. However, the accuracy that can be obtained by purely electronic circuits, such as integrated circuits, is only of the order of 10−3. This is because there is no combination of available electronic components (like a RC time constant for example) that is more precise and constant with time and temperature. Now, 10−3 corresponds to an error of about 1.5 minute per day, which is totally unacceptable for timekeeping applications. The same is true for applications to modern telecommunications, which exploits the frequency spectrum up to 300Ghz.
2021-12-27 07:59:35 3.4MB MEMS Vibration Low power
Engineering Vibration, Communication and Information Processing。Kanad Ray · S. N. Sharan,2018。
2021-11-28 22:12:37 35.91MB Communication Engineering Vibr Information
Vehicle noise and vibration refinement,Edited by Xu Wang
2021-10-26 16:18:06 9.03MB vehicle NVH