计算共形几何作业 这个C ++项目框架用于帮助学生实现几何算法。 系统 该代码已经在Windows 10,Ubuntu 18.04和MacOS 10.15.5上进行了测试,如果有任何问题,请告诉我。 目录结构 cutgraph -- Folder for cut graph algorithm. harmonic_map -- Folder for harmonic map algorithm. data -- Some models. CMakeLists.txt -- CMake configuration file. resources -- Some resources needed. 3rdparty -- MeshLib and freeglut librar
2021-06-04 11:13:57 7.69MB MATLAB
在这篇综述中,我们将简要介绍一下支撑在厚度几乎为零的波纹金属板上的欺骗表面等离激元。 我们主要关注欺骗表面的传播特性,等离振子极化子(SPP),平面SPP的激发以及包括弯曲波导,Y形分束器,分频器和滤波器在内的多个等离激元器件。平面或共形等离子超材料的设计和制造,均经过全波模拟和实验验证,具有较高的性能。 我们还证明,超薄金属网纹金属盘可以支撑多极的,局部的表面等离激元,该等离激元具有直的或弯曲的凹槽,从中也可以观察到Fano共振。
2021-05-31 10:53:47 1.12MB conformal surface plasmons; Fano
Encounter Conformal Low Power
2021-05-27 14:02:56 311KB Cadence CLP Conformal
Full Flow RAK - RTL to Place & Route, Including ECO
2021-05-22 17:56:52 18.22MB Conformal 19.2 Genus 19.1
We investigate the aberration properties of the conformal optical system with decentered and tilted elements by vector aberration theory. By decentering and tilting the window and corrector of the system, two elements are effectively used together in a particular manner by aberration compensation to achieve off-axis imaging. A conceptual design is performed with a half-field of 2?, the F# of 4, and the wavelength ranging of 3700~4800 nm. The imaging quality can reach the optical diffraction limi
2021-02-26 09:05:48 516KB 偏心倾斜 矢量像差 共形光学 整流罩
3d中几何开发,非常有用的数学基础。 顾险峰教授写得专业几何书
2019-12-21 19:43:34 8.03MB 共形几何