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rowhammer attack
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SAE-2020-J3101 美国汽车协会2016年发布的关于车辆硬件安全方面的标准J3101。Automotive computer systems are required to establish trustworthiness through device identity, sealing, attestation, data integrity, and availability. These systems must be res小 ent to a wide range of attacks that cannot be thwarted through software-only security mechanisms. A hardware root of trust and the hardware-based security primitives are fundamentally necessary to satisfy demands of connected and highly or fully automated vehicles. This document provides a comprehensive view of security mechanisms supported in hardware for automotive use cases, along with best practices for using such mechanisms. The goal of this document is to provide a common reference that facilitates communication among engineers across different parts of the automotive supply chain relevant to hardware-enabled security features. Silicon vendors will find this document useful in understanding the hardware security foundations and their corresponding use cases and applications that they should support to address vehicle security needs. This document should also bring more order into the diverse nature of hardware security features, so products are developed with the end use case in mind and with the right level of security. ECU suppliers and system integrators will benefit from the different security requirements and use cases outlined here as they assess the threats that affect their systems and the right hardware systems needed to address them.
2021-03-29 18:56:06 1.78MB SAE-2020-J3101 硬件安全