2024-03-02 08:27:58 457KB 首发论文
2024-02-25 19:00:14 1.17MB 首发论文
2024-02-24 08:47:41 707KB 首发论文
Low-temperature catalytic combustion of methane over MnOx-CeO2 mixed oxide catalysts: Effect of preparation method,Shi Limin,储伟,The effect of preparation method on MnOx-CeO2 mixed oxide catalysts for methane combustion at low temperature was investigated by means of BET, XRD, XPS, H2-TPR techniques and meth
2024-02-23 23:56:44 309KB 首发论文
Preface................................................................................................ vii Part I: RF Circutis: wide band, Front-Ends, DAC’s Introduction ........................................................................................ 1 Ultrawideband Transceivers John R. Long ...................................................................................... 3 High Data Rate Transmission over Wireless Local Area Networks Katelijn Vleugels................................................................................ 15 Low Power Bluetooth Single-Chip Design Marc Borremans, Paul Goetschalckx ................................................. 25 RF DAC’s: output impedance and distortion Jurgen Deveugele, Michiel Steyaert................................................... 45 High-Speed Bandpass ADCs R. Schreier .......................................................................................... 65 High-Speed Digital to Analog Converters Konstantinos Doris, Arthur van Roermund........................................ 91 Part II: Design Methodology and Verification for RF and Mixed-Signal Systems Introduction ........................................................................................ 111 Design Methodology and Model Generation for Complex Analog Blocks Georges Gielen................................................................................... 113 Automated Macromodelling for Simulation of Signals and Noise in Mixed-Signal/RF Systems Jaijeet Roychowdhury ........................................................................ 143 A New Methodology for System Verification of RFIC Circuit Blocks Dave Morris........................................................................................ 169 Platform-Based RF-System Design Peter Baltus ........................................................................................ 195 Practical Test and BIST Solutions for High Performance Data Converters Degang Chen ...................................................................................... 215 Simulation of Functional Mixed Signal Test Damien Walsh, Aine Joyce, Dave Patrick ......................................... 243 Part III: Low Power and Low Voltage Introduction ........................................................................................ 249 The Effect of Technology Scaling on Power Dissipation in Analog Circuits Klaas Bult ........................................................................................... 251 Low-Voltage, Low-Power Basic Circuits Andrea Baschirotto, Stefano D’Amico, Piero Malcovati ................... 291 0.5 V Analog Integrated Circuits Limits on ADC Power Dissipation Ultra Low-Power Low-Voltage Analog Integrated Filter Design Wireless Inductive Transfer of Power and Data Robert Puers, Koenraad Van Schuylenbergh, Michael Catrysse, Bart Peter Kinget, Shouri Chatterjee, and Yannis Tsividis........................ 329 Boris Murmann .................................................................................. 351 Wouter A. Serdijn, Sandro A. P. Haddad, Jader A. De Lima ............ 369 Hermans ............................................................................................. 395
2023-06-24 18:58:51 32.17MB electric
Low Poly FPS Pack-3.2
2023-04-17 12:18:47 119.92MB unity fps lowpoly
GETNPVI 计算归一化成对变异指数 (NPVI) 和变异系数 (CV),如 Grabe & Low (2002) 所述。 [NPVI CV] = GETNPVI(IN) 返回归一化成对变异输入语句 IN 的索引 NPVI(M*N 或 M*N*P)和变异系数 CV(M*N 或 M*N*P)。 IN是大小的音节持续时间矩阵M*N 或 M*N*P。 示例:如果 IN = [1 2 3; 3 3 6; 4 6 8; 4 7 7]; 那么 [npvi cv] = getNPVI(IN) 是 npvi = [53.3333; 33.3333; 34.2857; 27.2727]。 cv 是 [0.5000; 0.4330; 0.3333; 0.2887] 示例:如果 IN(:,:,1) = [1 2 3; 3 3 6] 和 IN(:,:,2) = [4 6 8; 4 7 7] 然后 [np
2023-04-12 11:25:22 2KB matlab
这是一款适用于您自制电动汽车的开源 BMS。 它包括帮助您构建和编程自己的电路板的文件。 您需要制作电路板,购买组件并将它们焊接到电路板上,然后对电路板上的芯片进行编程。 有一个主控板和多个模块板。 母版有一个屏幕,让您知道正在发生的事情。 它还有一个 LED 作为警告灯,以防发生故障(例如电池电压低)。 您需要为电池组中的每个电池制作一个模块。
2023-04-08 22:31:58 951KB 开源软件
TensorFlow2.X结合OpenCV 实现手势识别 使用Tensorflow 构建卷积神经网络,训练手势识别模型,使用opencv DNN 模块加载模型实时手势识别 效果如下: 先显示下部分数据集图片(0到9的表示,感觉很怪) 构建模型进行训练 数据集地址 import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras import datasets,layers,optimizers,Sequential,metrics from tensorflow.python.framework.conv
2023-03-25 23:26:14 194KB ens low ns
本文面对三种常常遇到的情况,总结三种读取数据的方式,分别用于处理单张图片、大量图片,和TFRecorder读取方式。并且还补充了功能相近的tf函数。 1、处理单张图片   我们训练完模型之后,常常要用图片测试,有的时候,我们并不需要对很多图像做测试,可能就是几张甚至一张。这种情况下没有必要用队列机制。 import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def read_image(file_name): img = tf.read_file(filename=file_name) # 默认读取格式为uint8 print(
2023-03-19 22:10:17 70KB ens low ns