2008年发布的OPC统一架构(UA)将各个OPC Classic规范的所有功能集成到一个可扩展的框架中,独立于平台并且面向服务。资源是规范文档。
2019-12-21 20:01:38 17.94MB OPC UA
Overview This OPC UA reference implementation is targeting the .NET Standard Library. .Net Standard allows developing apps that run on all common platforms available today, including Linux, iOS, Android (via Xamarin) and Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (including embedded/IoT editions) without requiring platform-specific modifications. Furthermore, cloud applications and services (such as ASP.Net, DNX, Azure Websites, Azure Webjobs, Azure Nano Server and Azure Service Fabric) are also supported. Features included 1. Fully ported Core UA stack and SDK (Client, Server, Configuration & Sample assemblies) 2. Sample Servers and Clients, including all required controls, for .Net 4.6, .NetCore and UWP. 3. X.509 certificate support for client and server authentication 4. Anonymous, username, X.509 certificate (experimental) and JWT (experimental) user authentication 5. UA-TCP & HTTPS transports (client and server) 6. Folder certificate-store support 7. Sessions (including UI support in the samples) 8. Subscriptions (including UI support in the samples) Getting Started All the tools you need for .Net Standard come with the .Net Core tools. See here for what you need. How to create self signed certificates for the sample applications On Windows 1. Open a command prompt in the root folder of your repository 2. Run the script CreateAllCerts.cmd in the root folder of your repository to create the certificates for all sample applications. 3. Alternatively, you can run the script CreateCert.cmd in each sample project folder to create new self signed certificates for the application. 4. The self signed certificates are stored in OPC Foundation/CertificateStores/MachineDefault in each application project folder On Linux 1. Open a command prompt 2. Navigate to the project folder of the sample app, e.g. SampleApplications/Samples/NetCoreConsoleClient 3. Run the script ./createcert.sh to create the certificates for the sample applications. 4. The self signed certificates are stored in OPC Foundati
2019-12-21 19:53:39 6.71MB OPC UA 客户端 服务器
OPC Undifined Architechture OPCFoundation网站上要求会员资格才可以下载的资源,非常少见,希望大家珍惜!
2019-12-21 19:52:05 13.16MB OPC Undifined Architechture
西门子官方提供的OPC UA客户端程序源代码,可用于西门子SINUMERIK 840Dsl数控系统的OPC UA数据采集。
2019-12-21 19:50:09 6.01MB 西门子 OPC UA
SIEMENS公司,OPC基金组织写的示例源码,包括OPC UA Server示例源码,OPC UA Client 示例源码,很有参考价值.
2019-12-21 19:46:04 96.16MB OPC UA
最好用的OPC UA java开源包,支持无安全策略、Base加密安全策略。
2019-12-21 19:42:31 1.93MB OPC UA OPC JAVA
OPC UA Client 测试工具,V1.4.4版本,从官网下载。 紫薯补丁
2019-12-21 19:39:05 17.15MB OPC UA Client
该规范定义了OPC统一架构(OPC UA)PubSub通信模型。 PubSub通信模型定义了OPC UA发布订阅模式,而不是第4部分中由服务定义的客户机服务器模式。 该规范包括: 概念的一般介绍, PubSub通信参数的定义, 一个PubSub配置信息模型, 并映射到消息和协议
2019-12-21 19:37:12 3.23MB opc ua
C#连接西门子PLC的类库 以及C#连接OPC UA(Kepware)的连接类库
2019-12-21 19:27:13 12.35MB OPC UA 西门子PLC C#
分析 OPC UA SDK (C++ )源码,总结 OPC UA SDK 的代码架构 及重要部分代 码实现细节
2019-12-21 19:23:01 755KB OPC UA;C++;源码