Haps70 手册 Xilinx FGPA验证平台
2022-02-22 15:07:12 3.18MB SOCFPGA验证平台手册、
在matlab/simulink库里搭建二阶RC电池模型,利用安时积分法对其进行估算,参数可用lookup table可调
Heterogeneous processing has become a hallmark of mobile SoCs, but designing cache coherency across these diverse processing elements can be difficult. Standard on-chip interfaces and network-on-a-chip (NoC) technology are the first step, giving architects IP to efficiently connect compute processing elements as different as CPUs, GPUs, and DSPs. Hardware IP to enable coherent communication between different types of compute engines is the next step. This white paper describes how Arteris’ Ncore IP can help architects design processors fully supporting coherency between heterogeneous elements. The Linley Group prepared this paper, which Arteris sponsored, but the opinions and analysis are those of the author.
2022-02-16 09:53:16 321KB SoC IC Interc networ
0x01介绍 PySocks使您可以通过SOCKS和HTTP代理服务器发送流量。它是SocksiPy的现代分支,具有错误修复和其他功能。 0x02 安装 λ pip3 install Pysocks 0x03 测试 正常请求,httperror无法获得 加入socks5代理后,可以获得当前程序的全局代理可以 正常访问 import socket import socks socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, "", 10808) socket.socket = socks.socksocket 0x04 测试代码 # -*-
2022-02-15 23:46:50 459KB c oc soc
2022-02-14 21:39:09 94KB socekf SOC估算 SOC soc估算ekf
使用Xilinx ZynqMP-SoC ultra96 FPGA的SoC加速器 从AXI-Lite到AXI-Full 作者:Minh Quang Tran和Nguyen Tien Dat Tran 主题:使用Xilinx Ultra96 FPGA加速图像处理领域的运营商 任务1有两个文件: 1_bitsteam file: Bitstream of MysteryReg IP core 2_mmap file: Test the MysteryReg IP core by reading and writing 4 registers of MysteryReg 任务2有4个文件夹: 1_MUL_AXI: AXI Multiplier implemented in Bluespec language 2_Bitstream: Bitstream of the the IP cor
2022-02-13 20:14:32 3.47MB C++
2022-02-11 00:58:25 18KB matlab
AI驱动的网络安全监测运营.pdf EDR与企业安全落地的实践与思考.pdf EDR协同联防架构帮助企业提升安全预防和响应能力.pdf 从御建到驭剑_-_AI及大数据构建智慧安全.pdf 基于_EDR_和_MDR_技术在_(_云_)_主机安全中的应用.pdf
2022-02-06 13:00:19 13.94MB 身份管理 端点安全 渗透测试 APT攻击
2022-02-04 22:00:14 4.41MB 安全
2022-01-28 18:53:39 66.27MB ZYNQ FPGA