Java 模仿百度知道的一个问答系统(包含源码和数据库文件)。 自已写的一个 基于 maven + springmvc + hibernate 的问答系统, 模仿的百度知道,包括代码高亮(syntaxhighlighter),在线编辑器(simditor),弹出层等技术(layer)。如果想提高一下自已的技术,可以看一下 问答系统 百度知道
2021-12-18 17:46:21 9.67MB 问答系统 百度知道 Java maven
2021-12-15 18:00:06 10KB
cocos creator2.4.2教育游戏源码《溺水自救问答》源码H5+安卓+IOS三端源码,开发脚本为javaScript方便扩展和阅读,支持cocos creator2.X版本,完整的源码可直接运营。
2021-12-12 22:09:21 3.52MB 教育游戏源码 溺水自救问答
2021-12-12 21:02:12 2.51MB ASP
2021-12-12 20:00:24 219KB
Question answering (QA) has become a popular way for humans to access billion-scale knowledge bases. Unlike web search, QA over a knowledge base gives out accurate and concise results, provided that natural language questions can be understood and mapped precisely to structured queries over the knowledge base. The challenge, however, is that a human can ask one question in many different ways. Previous approaches have natural limits due to their representations: rule based approaches only understand a small set of “canned” questions, while keyword based or synonym based approaches cannot fully understand the questions. In this paper, we design a new kind of question representation: templates, over a billion scale knowledge base and a million scale QA corpora. For example, for questions about a city’s population, we learn templates such as What’s the population of $city?, How many people are there in $city?. We learned 27 million templates for 2782 intents. Based on these templates, our QA system KBQA effectively supports binary factoid questions, as well as complex questions which are composed of a series of binary factoid questions. Furthermore, we expand predicates in RDF knowledge base, which boosts the coverage of knowledge base by 57 times. Our QA system beats all other state-of-art works on both effectiveness and efficiency over QALD benchmarks.
2021-12-11 17:34:25 720KB 问答系统 知识图谱
2021-12-11 09:04:33 59KB
视觉问答 该实现遵循“图像字幕和视觉问题解答的自下而上和自上而下注意”( )和“视觉问题解答的提示和技巧:从中学到的知识”中描述的VQA系统2017年挑战”( )。 结果 模型 验证准确性 训练时间 实施模型(CNN扩展+ BCP) 64.2 40至50分钟(Titan Xp) 使用计算准确性。 实施细节 我们的实现遵循论文的总体结构,但有以下简化: 我们不使用额外数据。 每个图像我们仅使用固定数量的对象(K = 36)。 我们使用一个简单的单流分类器而不进行预训练。 我们使用简单的ReLU激活而不是封闭的tanh。 前两点大大减少了培训时间。 在单个Titan Xp上,我们的实现每个周期大约需要200秒,而本文中描述的实现每个周期需要1个小时。 第三点是因为我们认为原始文档中的两个流分类器和预训练过于复杂,因此没有必要。 对于非线性激活单元,我们尝试了门tanh,
2021-12-06 15:43:30 29KB JupyterNotebook
基于知识图谱的智能问答系统python实现(复旦大学论文基于qa语料和知识库的问答系统)_python 智能问答,python 智能问答系统-机器学习代码类资源本代码实现是基于python实现的基于复旦大学崔万云博士的learing question answering over corpora and konwlege bases ,代码实现与论文有所出入,原因是本实现用的语料是中文做训练数据集,其中命名实体认为论文有太多欠缺,而实体识别是智能问答思想关键。希望更多读者能够有更好的方法。
2021-12-04 18:07:13 42.11MB python
chatbot_with_IR 一个利用搜索引擎构建的简单问答系统
2021-12-03 08:41:24 1.97MB Python开发-其它杂项