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2019-12-21 20:32:57 41.19MB 数据库 PHP Mysql
2019-12-21 20:24:16 30.65MB php mysql php和mysql 场景实战
2019-12-21 20:20:47 1.64MB php开发 mysql 数据库大作业 源码
Why You Should Read This Book This book will teach you how to create interactive websites from the simplest order form through to complex, secure e-commerce sites or interactive Web 2.0 sites.What’s more, you’ll learn how to do it using open source technologies. This book is aimed at readers who already know at least the basics of HTML and have done some programming in a modern programming language before but have not necessarily programmed for the Internet or used a relational database. If you are a beginning programmer, you should still find this book useful, but digesting it might take a little longer.We’ve tried not to leave out any basic concepts, but we do cover them at speed.The typical readers of this book want to master PHP and MySQL for the purpose of building a large or commercial website.You might already be working in another web development language; if so, this book should get you up to speed quickly. We wrote the first edition of this book because we were tired of finding PHP books that were basically function references.These books are useful, but they don’t help when your boss or client has said,“Go build me a shopping cart.” In this book, we have done our best to make every example useful.You can use many of the code samples directly in your website, and you can use many others with only minor modifications. What You Will Learn from This Book Reading this book will enable you to build real-world, dynamic websites. If you’ve built websites using plain HTML, you realize the limitations of this approach. Static content from a pure HTML website is just that—static. It stays the same unless you physically update it.Your users can’t interact with the site in any meaningful fashion. Using a language such as PHP and a database such as MySQL allows you to make your sites dynamic: to have them be customizable and contain real-time information. We have deliberately focused this book on real-world applications, even in the introductory chapters.We beg
2019-12-21 20:16:00 14.63MB PHP MySQL Web
php与mysql写的简易博客 ~初学者必看! 请在wamp的www目录下打开~
2019-12-21 20:14:02 34KB php mysql
第一章 绪论.....................................................................................................................1 1.1 背景及意义......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 课题的研究目的................................................................................................. 1 1.3 研究现状分析.................................................................................................... 2 1.4 研究的内容及目标............................................................................................ 4 1.5 论文组织结构..................................................................................................... 5 第二章 相关技术分析...................................................................................................6 2.1 软件体系结构概述............................................................................................. 6 2.2 PHP 技术............................................................................................................. 8 2.2.1 PHP 的新性能.......................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 PHP 架构................................................................................................... 9 2.3 数据库技术........................................................................................................ 9 2.4 本章小结...........................................................................................................11
2019-12-21 20:11:05 2.13MB PHP MYSQL 电商 系统
最新版第5版《php and mysql web development》电子版 第30章 OATUTH2.0
2019-12-21 20:06:57 225KB php mysql development 圣经
PHP and MYSQL Web Development.5th.Edition chart29
2019-12-21 20:06:57 630KB php mysql development 圣经