The book uses a range of products from the network economy to outline strategies for pricing information goods. These range from the obvious (introductory pricing, competitive upgrades, basic versus deluxe) through to more complex strategies such as versioning (producing different versions of a product for different groups of customers - and charging different prices accordingly).
2021-07-05 08:19:41 2.95MB Information Rules
This comprehensive treatment of network information theory and its applications provides the first unified coverage of both classical and recent results. With an approach that balances the introduction of new models and new coding techniques, readers are guided through Shannon’s point-to-point information theory, single-hop networks, multihop networks, and extensions to distributed computing, secrecy, wireless communication, and networking. Elementary mathematical tools and techniques are used throughout, requiring only basic knowledge of probability, whilst unified proofs of coding theorems are based on a few simple lemmas, making the text accessible to newcomers. Key topics covered include successive cancellation and superposition coding, MIMO wireless communication, network coding, and cooperative relaying. Also covered are feedback and interactive communication, capacity approximations and scaling laws, and asynchronous and random access channels. This book is ideal for use in the classroom, for self-study, and as a reference for researchers and engineers in industry and academia.
2021-07-03 15:50:15 3.88MB Network Information Theory
涉密信息系统/Java ##系统设计需求: ###-综合需求 设计目标与展现方式: (1)所有子需求以服务或接口方式提交 (2)构建验证 UI,实现系统能力验证 ###-子需求一 大容量数据秘密通信 需求:两个主体间实现远程大容量数据文件秘密传输(超过 1G 大 小的容量 ) (1)设计并实现支持 大容量数据秘密传输的系统; (2)该系统支持数据 该系统支持数据完整性和来源验证。 ###-子需求二 网络监听设计与实现 需求:应用层实现本机指定网络端口的通信监听; (1)实现监听网络连接所使用的协议、源 IP 地址、目标 IP 地址 等信息的功能; (2)将监听内容在 UI 控件中显示。 ###-子需求三 涉密文件分级管控 需求:对系统监管目录区域的文件自动定密,并实现按级检索 (1)构建涉密关键词库; (2)设计并实现管控密级标签; (3)实现按密级检索。
2021-07-01 22:17:15 801KB Java
我们用的MSP430时, 内部有几十个字节information memory 可以当EEPROM来用, 无需再外扩EEPROM芯片, 用量保存一下系数的掉电保存的数据. 我一直用这个, 很好用.
2021-06-30 08:27:34 48KB 软件
2021-06-29 10:55:10 1.92MB 信息论
2021-06-27 11:04:04 19.46MB 开源软件
酒店信息系统 一个使用 Yii 框架和 ExtJS 的关于酒店信息系统的开源项目 目录结构 backend/ server side application build/ sencha cmd build folder ext/ ExtJS source code framework/ Yii 1.1.14 source code hotel_assets/ assets directory created by Yii hotel-app/ main application using ExtJS nbproject/ just a netbeans project information resources
2021-06-24 21:04:44 46.35MB JavaScript
Fundamentals of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information,Peter Lambropoulos,David Petrosyan,2007,Springer.
2021-06-21 12:35:02 2.86MB Fundamentals of Quantum Optics
Elements of Information Theory (Second Edition) (Thomas, 2006).pdf 做信息论的必读推荐书籍,相当经典
2021-06-14 16:10:22 10.48MB 信息论 必读 推荐书籍 经典
Information Server SIMATIC Information Server 文档
2021-06-11 17:02:01 3.26MB WinCC 自控