nrf51822中文参考手册,nRF51822 是一款集成nRF51x系列无线收发器的超低功耗的片上系统 (Soc) , 包含一个32位ARM Cortex-M0 CPU , flash 存储器和模拟、数字外设。NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 Liability disclaimer Nordic Semiconductor ASa reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic Semiconductor asa does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuits described herein ife support applications Nordic Semiconductor's products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Nordic Semiconductor ASa customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nordic Semiconductor ASA for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale Contact details Information regarding product updates, downloads, and technical support can be accessed through your My Page account on our home page Main office: Otto Nielsens veg 12 Mailing address: Nordic Semiconductor 7052 Trondheim P.O. Box 2336 Norway 7004 Trondhe Phone:+4772898900 Norway 4772898989 画N远 NS-EN ISO 9001 CERTIFICATEDFIRM RoHS and reach statement Nordic semiconductor's products meet the requirements of Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of Hazardous Substances(roHS)and the requirements of the reach regulation(EC 1907/2006)on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. The SvHC(Substances of Very High Concern) candidate list is continually being updated Complete hazardous substance reports material composition reports and latest version of nordics reach statementcanbefoundonourwebsitewww.nordicsemicom Page 2 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 Datasheet status Status Description Objective Product Specification(OPS) This product specification contains target specifications for product development Preliminary Product Specification(PPS) This product specification contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published from Nordic Semiconductor ASA later This product specification contains final product specifications. Nordic Product Specification(PS) Semiconductor ASA reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in order to improve design and supply the best possible product. Revision History D ate Version Description May 2013 1.3 Updated schematics and boms in Section 11. 3 on page 61 April 2013 1.2 Added chip variant nRF51822-CEAA Updated feature list on front page Updated Section 3. 2. 1 on page 15, Section 3. 2. 2 on page 15, Chapter 6 on page 28, Section 10.4 on page 52, and Section 10.5.1 on page 53 Added Section 2.2.2 on page 10, Section 7. 1 on page 29, Section 9. 2 on page 50, and Section 11. 3 on page 61 Removed PCB layouts in Chapter 11 on page 54 March 2013 1.1 Added chip variant nRF51822-QFAB Added 32 MHz crystal oscillator feature. Updated feature list on front page moved subsection Calculating current when the DC/DC converter is enabled from chapter 8 to the nrF51 Refere pda Chapter 1 on page 6, Section 2.2 on page 8, Section 3. 2 on page 14 Section 3. 5 on page 18, Section 3.5.1 on page 19, Section 4. 2 on page 23, Chapter 5 on page 26, Section 8. 1 on page 30, Section 8. 1. 2 on page 31, Section 8.1.5on page 33, Section 8.2 on page 35, Section 8.3 on page 37, Section 8.5.3 on page 39, Section 8.8 on page 43, Section 8.9 on page 44, Section 8 10 on page 45, Section 8 14 on page 46, Chapter 10 on page 51, Section 11.2.3 on page 59, Section 11. 2. 1 on page 55, and Section 11.2.2 on page 57. Added Section 3.5.4 on page 21, Section 8. 1. 3 on page 32, and Section 11.1 on age 54 November 2012 1.0 Changed from PpS to PS Updated feature list on front page Updated Table 13 on page 28, Table 14 on page 29, Table 16 on page 31 Table 18 on page 33, Table 19 on page 33, Table 20 on page 34, Table 23 on page 36, Table 24 on page 37, Table 26 on page 38, Table 27 on page 38, Table 28 on page 39, Table 32 on page 42, ble 33 on page 43, Table 35 on page 44, Table 38 on page 45 Table 39 on page 46, Table 42 on page 47, Table 45 on page 48, Table 46 on page 48, Table 61 on page 53 d Figure 15 on page 59 Page 3 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 Table of contents 2 2.1 6778 2.2 3.2 中·卓 141 3.3 16 3.4 17 3.5 18 3.6 21 3.7 非音 21 4 22 4.1 …22 4.2 …23 4.3 23 4.4 23 4.5 23 4.6 23 4.7 影看非非非是非。垂 24 4.8 中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中 .24 4.9 ……1.4 4.10 24 4.11 25 4.12 25 4.13 25 26 6 28 n29 7.1 29 8 。0。看0。。。。看0·。。。0春。0。。。。·000。。。0。。。。。00。看0。自。。。看0。。0。0。。 30 8.1 .30 8.2 35 8.3 37 8.4 非非着音非非非自非n非是非日非 37 8.5 春·垂看着垂垂D看看看是看 垂看春着垂是垂音垂 38 8.6 42 8.7 42 8.8 43 8.9 44 8.10 …45 8.11 245 8.12 46 8.13 46 8.14 ,46 Page 4 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 8.15 4中非·非非非中非非非 47 8.16 247 8.17 …47 8.18 48 8.19 48 8.20 48 ···命···春春··春春·春春a·春·命春d.春春··命春春 49 49 9.2 51 10.1 51 10.2 非串串 垂自, 自音。 10.3 55 10.4 52 10.5 非。自B非1非音BB省;自指自自自香自音:着 53 54 11.1 154 11.2 55 11.3 61 12 67 Page 5 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 n RF51 Reference Manual 1.2 Luci da console onso⊥as bold emi-bold Connect(Time Out, AdvInterval Connect will be written as Connect(ox00F0, Interval) Page 6 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 2 nRF5 ODE (P0.0-P031) lave AHB-LITE BUS E AHB TO APB ARM BRIDGE CORTEX-MO SWCLK DAP BBB NVIC RESET POWER NVMC WDT RADIO ANT1 AISo SPIO >〈>EB MISO MOSI RNG TIMER O TEMP TIMER 1 ADC AINO-AIN7 TIMER 2 A QDEC RXD UART XC1 GTS XC2 RIS CLOCK GPIOTE RTCO SDA V|0 RTC1 SDA TWIt Note: RESET Figure 1 nRF51822 block diagram Page 7 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 2.2 2.2.1 nRF51822 QFN48 VDD 1 36 AVDD DCC 2 VDD P9.393 34 VSS P.15 N51822 "132 ANT2 926 ANT1 937 QEVVHP ,130 VDD PA YYWWL工 29 DEC2 P.959 128P9.28 P.19 P06711|- 26P9.18 VDD 12 D> 25P8.17 u5OH Figure 2 Pin assignment-nRF51822 QFN48 packet Note: VV= Variant code, hp= build code, yyWwll= tracking code For more information see Section 10.4 on page 52 Page 8 of 67 NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR nRF51822 Product Specification v1.3 Pin functions Pin name Pin function Description VDD Power Power supply DCC Power DC/ DC output voltage to external LC filter P9.39 Digital y/o General purpose I/o pin P.98 General purpose 1/0 pin AREA Analog input ADC Reference voltage P.91 Digital 1/O General purpose l/o pin AlN Analog input ADC input 2 P9.92 Digital VO General purpose l/o pin aln Analog input ADC input 3 P9.93 Digital I/O General purpose 1/0 pin A工N4 Analog input ADC input 4 P.94 Digital I/O General purpose i/o pin AINS Analog input ADC input 5 P2.95 Digital V/O General purpose l/o pin AlN Analog input ADC input 6 P.6 Igital vO General purpose l/o pin AINZ Analog input ADC input 7 AREF1 Analog input ADC Reference voltage P.97 Digital l/o General purpose l/o pin VDD Power Power supply VSS Power Ground (O V) P9.98t 14to22 P.16 Digital I/O eneral purpose l/o pin SWDIO/nRESET Digital V/O System reset(active low). Also HW debug and flash programming I/o 24 SWDCLK Digital input HW debug and flash programming I/o 25to28 P0. 1 to P8.2日 Digital V/O General purpose l/o pin DEC2 Power Power supply decoupling 30 VDD PA Power output Power supply output (+1.6 V)for on-chip RF power amp 31 ANT1 RF Differential antenna connection (tX and rx ANT2 Differential antenna connection (TX and rX 33,34 Power Ground(OV 35,36 AVDD Power Analog Power supply XC1 Analog input Connection for 16/32 MHz crystal or external 16 MHz clock reference 38 <C2 Analog output Connection for 16/32 MHz crystal 39 DEC1 Power Power supply decoupling Page 9 of 67
2023-02-14 15:58:53 1.72MB nrf51822 BLE 蓝牙4.4 nrf51822中文
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目前市场中基于CC254x的蓝牙BLE居多,但大家注意,BLE只支持IOS和安卓4.3以上的手机。但目前安卓手机中大部分还是安卓4.3以下版本,所以这就是双模蓝牙存在的原因。请开发者一定注意。蓝牙模块HM-13具有双模式,包括EDR和BLE。HM-13蓝牙模块采用CSR双模蓝牙芯片,配合新唐ARM构架单片机,支持AT指令,用户可根据需要修改串口波特率、设备名称、配对密码等参数,使用灵活。 串口配置: 115200, N, 8, 1, EDR: HMSoft: 从模式, 不休眠, 透传模式, 配对密码 1234 BLE: HMSoft: 从模式, 不休眠,透传模式, 不需要配对密码 SPP传输速度较快,BLE传输速度较慢,因此我们在设计产品的时候选取的是下限,即依照BLE的速度来规划双模产品。在保证稳定的前提下,我们也会在随后发布的新版本中逐步提高传输速度。 ----主从一体,透明传输,替代串口线----远程控制,透明传输,无须单片机 ----远程数据采集、透明传输,无须单片机 CSR蓝牙4.0双模HM-13蓝牙模块实物截图: CSR蓝牙4.0双模HM-13蓝牙模块特点: BT版本:蓝牙规范V4.0&BLE UART发送和接收最大字节为512 SPP模式下的其他设备模块:每个数据包为90字节 BLE模式下的其他设备模块:每个数据包为20个字节 两种数据传输模式,平衡模式和高速模式 工作频率:2.4GHz ISM频段 调制方式:GFSK(高斯频移键控) 射频功率:-23dbm,-6dbm,0dbm,6dbm。 速度:异步:3K字节 同步:3K字节 安全性:认证和加密 服务:从SPP,外设BLE,UUID FFE0,FFE1 电源:+ 3.3VDC 50mA 长距离:SPP 30米,BLE 60米 电源:SPP 13.5mA,BLE 9.5mA 工作温度:-5〜+65摄氏度
2023-02-09 11:59:13 388KB 蓝牙4.0 hm-13 电路方案
《蓝牙协议及其源代码分析》——金瓯科技电子版 重点阐述和分析了蓝牙规范V2.0的协议体系结构和相关内容,包括射频协议(RF)、基带协议(BB)、链路管理器(LMP)、主机控制接口(HCI)、逻辑链路控制与适配协议(L2CAP)、串口仿真协议(RFCOMM)、对象交换协议(OBEX)、服务发现协议(SDP)、电话控制协议(TCS)和蓝牙操作模式,并对L2CAP、RFCOMM和SDP等三层协议中的数据和源代码进行了验证和分析。
BLE 智能锁功能概述: 众所周知,平时生活中的锁都是有锁槽,需要钥匙开启的,而BLE 智能锁,可以把用户从钥匙中解放出来,只需智能手机上的应用就能控制琐的开启,可用于自行车、摩托车等交通工具。安全性方面,想要开启BLE 智能锁,必须输入正确的用户密码,起到了防盗的功能,并且可以通过手机应用查看BLE 智能锁的状态,如电量等。 为了实现本次应用,需烧写BLE 协议栈软件库及应用程序到RL78/G1D 演示板,并安装相应APP 到Android 智能手机,从而通过BLE 功能实现手机对智能锁的控制。其中RL78/G1D 演示板由主控板(RTK0EN0002C01001BZ 套件)和外围板(电源电路,电机控制电路等)组成。 BLE 智能锁系统截图: BLE 智能锁APP 截图,见“相关文件”自行下载: BLE 智能锁演示板和APP 主控界面(开锁): 整个设计 BLE 智能锁资料截图: 蓝牙低功耗 BLE 智能锁 PCB源文件截图,用AD或者PADS9.5直接打开: BLE 智能锁程序源码、APP截图:
2023-02-08 16:50:00 7.79MB 蓝牙控制 app控制 智能锁 电路方案
2023-02-07 19:34:35 245KB AC6921A