佳能相机最新驱动,EDSDK v13.12.1 。 支持Mac OS X 10.15和Windows 10 x32及x64。 相机列表: EOS-1D Mark III EOS 40D EOS-1Ds Mark III EOS DIGITAL REBEL Xsi / Kiss X2 / EOS 450D EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS / KISS F / EOS 1000D EOS 50D EOS 5D Mark II EOS Kiss X3 / EOS REBEL T1i / EOS 500D EOS 7D EOS-1D Mark IV EOS Kiss X4 / EOS REBEL T2i / EOS 550D EOS 60D EOS Kiss X5 / EOS REBEL T3i / EOS 600D EOS Kiss X50 / EOS REBEL T3 / EOS 1100D EOS-1D X EOS 5D Mark III EOS 60Da EOS Rebel T4i / EOS 650D EOS-1D C EOS 6D EOS Rebel T5i / EOS 700D EOS Rebel SL1 / EOS 100D EOS 70D EOS Kiss X70 / EOS Rebel T5 / EOS 1200D EOS 7D Mark II EOS 5DS EOS 5DS R EOS 8000D / EOS REBEL T6s / EOS 760D EOS Kiss X8i / EOS REBEL T6i / EOS 750D EOS-1D X Mark II EOS 80D EOS Kiss X80 / EOS REBEL T6 / EOS 1300D EOS 5D Mark IV EOS 9000D / EOS 77D EOS Kiss X9i / EOS REBEL T7i / EOS 800D EOS 6D Mark II EOS Kiss X9 / EOS REBEL SL2 / EOS 200D EOS Kiss M / EOS M50 (微单) EOS Kiss X90 / EOS REBEL T7 / EOS 2000D / EOS 1500D EOS REBEL T100 / EOS 4000D / EOS 3000D
2022-01-24 23:59:31 229.18MB 佳能 CANON EOS 相机
2022-01-18 20:25:21 1.66MB 佳能 打印机 万能 清零
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDSDK Library README File ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Readme file contains the latest information about the EDSDK Library. Please read this file before using the EDSDK Library. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1. Acknowledgments 2. Copyrights 1. Acknowledgments ------------------ This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. 2. Copyrights ------------- IJG: Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software (or portions thereof) for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions: 1. If any part of the source code for this software is distributed, then this README file must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered; and any additions, deletions, or changes to the original files must be clearly indicated in accompanying documentation. 2. If only executable code is distributed, then the accompanying documentation must state that "this software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group". 3. Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. These conditions apply to any software derived from or based on the IJG code, not just to the unmodified library. If you use our work, you ought to acknowledge us. Permission is NOT granted for the use of any IJG author's name or company name in advertising or publicity relating to this software or products derived from it. This software may be referred to only as "the Independent JPEG Group's software". We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or liability claims are assumed by the product vendor.
2022-01-17 13:54:48 2.94MB Canon Camera Develop 佳能
佳能 chdk最新汉化文件 SSCNS06”“CHDK”汉语语言、字体文件说明 一、注意事项   1. 制作的字体和语言文件只在“相关网页3”下载的“a650-100d-0.9.6-714”版本“CHDK”下测试过,作者并不能保证这些文件的通用性和安全性,也不承担任何可能由这些文件造成的损失,只保证在制作它们的过程中没有任何恶意;请谨慎使用。   2. 本汉化不支持汉字文本阅读,仅支持部分菜单条目的汉化。   3. 使用前请确认已经正确安装了“CHDK”补丁。   4. 0.06版汉化字体和语言仅支持“CHDK”官方版本语言文件前453条中一部分菜单条目,并且修改用字用词,在不太影响意思的情况下,尽量减少用字用词的数量。修改后的文本文件,见“CHS453.txt”、“CHS453AB.txt”、“CHS453A.txt”、“CHS453B.txt”,其中“CHS453.txt”为全译,“CHS453AB.txt”为此次“SSCN”0.06版汉化支持的部分,部分条目有所改动,“CHS453A.txt”、“CHS453B.txt”分别为“A”组、“B”组汉化支持的部分。这个文件曾参照“相关网页4”中提到的网站中提供的中文进行修改订正(前210条),其后多为自译,虽然此次0.06版修正或修饰了近百个条目的翻译,但限于作者的英文和摄影水平,仍难免译错,欢迎大家指正。   5. 此次0.06版汉化文件,由于条目过多,分成“A”、“B”两组汉化,“A”组语言文件“SSCNS06A.lng”与字体文件“S06A_???.rbf”中为多数常用功能项的汉化,B组“SSCNS06B.lng”与“S06B_???.rbf”中为其他项(除文本阅读器,其不支持中文阅读,汉化菜单意义不大)的汉化。“A”、“B”两组文件不能混用。0.06与之前版本汉化文件也不兼容,请不要混用。
2022-01-15 22:34:27 293KB 佳能 chdk最新汉化文件
2022-01-13 16:46:15 22.61MB 1810驱动
2022-01-13 14:04:30 12.47MB MF5870dn 佳能 打印机
2022-01-12 09:21:38 1.93MB 佳能
一、进入维修模式的方法: 1、使打印机电源断开; 2、按住电源开关键; 3、接上打印机电源(电源灯亮); 4、按住停止/重置键(警告指示灯亮); 5、放开电源键,放开停止/重置键,这时就进入了维修模式。 (注:最后一步后,此时只有警告指示灯亮) 二、使用MPTool软件进行清零: 1、打开MPTool; 2、按下Reset Black,此时在清零黑色,完成后,在上面的BK后面会出现100%; 3,按下Reset Color,此时在清零彩色,完成后,CY、MG、YL后面会出现100%; 4, 此时清零已经完成。按Exit退出。 三、拔掉打印机电源,再接上打印机电源,重新正常开机就可以了。(注:此时再查查墨水量吧--满满的 )。 提示:软件的另外两项就是我们常用的手动清零,清理的是打印机主板的废墨计数器,而不是墨盒;再下面的EEPROM操作选项就不知道干什么的了,估计是清零回到出厂状态;有的打印机小屏幕下会出来语言选择,用上下键选择“中文简体”,再按“OK”键。现在就可以正常使用打印机了。有时可能会提示黑盒的问题,按下“OK”就行了(当然,要确保你的黑盒是好的才行)
2022-01-10 16:00:53 166KB 佳能 清零 通用
2022-01-10 15:48:47 497KB 佳能清零
2022-01-10 15:37:20 165KB 佳能 288 一体机 汉化