ANSYS 2021R2,包括FLUENT模块所有官方案例三维示例网格文件,还有包括帮助文档PDF文件Ansys_Fluent_Tutorial_Guide_2021_R2.pdf,学习FLUENT各个官方案例的仿真步骤设置过程,依照各个官方案例的网格模型(.msh文件)、帮助文档(PDF文档),供各位仿真工程师和仿真研究分析人员参考、学习。
2021-11-17 22:02:20 605.38MB tutorial guide Ansys Fluent
本资源为Cheat Engine 训练教程,本教程将尝试讲解在游戏中作弊的一些基本知识,并帮助你熟悉 Cheat Engine 的使用方法。通过本应用,可以帮助新人快速入门CE的基本操作方法。如查找数据,修改数据等等
2021-11-16 18:58:25 2.33MB 游戏安全入门 c、c++ 游戏作弊器
2021-11-16 16:27:19 725KB qtp Tutorial 中文帮助
JOIN for more discussions and help each other. It seems the repo is getting some popularity please let me know if you have any questions. You can contact me via email at I have limited time on maintaing this
2021-11-16 14:36:20 246KB python tutorial topology sdn
Foreword by Jack W. Crenshaw (the package’s readme.txt) TUTOR.ZIP This file contains all of the installments of Jack Crenshaw’s tutorial on compiler construction, includ- ing the new Installment 15. The intended audience is those folks who are not computer scientists, but who enjoy computing and have always wanted to know how compilers work. A lot of compiler the- ory has been left out, but the practical issues are covered. By the time you have completed the series, you should be able to design and build your own working compiler. It will not be the world’s best, nor will it put out incredibly tight code. Your product will probably never put Borland or MicroSoft out of business. But it will work, and it will be yours. A word about the file format: The files were originally created using Borland’s DOS editor, Sprint. Sprint could write to a text file only if you formatted the file to go to the selected printer. I used the most common printer I could think of, the Epson MX-80, but even then the files ended up with printer control sequences at the beginning and end of each page. To bring the files up to date and get myself positioned to continue the series, I recently (1994) converted all the files to work with Microsoft Word for Windows. Unlike Sprint, Word allows you to write the file as a DOS text file. Unfortunately, this gave me a new problem, because when Word is writing to a text file, it doesn’t write hard page breaks or page numbers. In other words, in six years we’ve gone from a file with page breaks and page numbers, but embedded escape sequences, to files with no embedded escape sequences but no page breaks or page numbers. Isn’t progress wonderful? Of course, it’s possible for me to insert the page numbers as straight text, rather than asking the editor to do it for me. But since Word won’t allow me to write page breaks to the file, we would end up with files with page numbers that may or may not fall at the ends of the pages, depending on your editor and
2021-11-16 09:43:10 1.12MB Compiler
UNIX : A Hacking Tutorial
2021-11-15 09:38:56 82KB Unix
蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)算法的基础概念,很好的入门教程
2021-11-11 19:18:58 364KB Monte Carlo
2021-11-11 18:02:20 52.32MB fluent tutorial
烟灰教程 该存储库包含(将包含)使用在Java中进行静态程序分析的几个简单示例。 本教程适用于谁? 任何了解Java编程并想在实践中进行静态分析但对理论上的Soot和静态分析一无所知的人。 如果您对静态程序分析有一定的了解,建议您从学习Soot。 设置 简而言之,使用Java 8并运行./gradlew build 。 有关更多信息和Docker设置,请单击此。 章节 1:弄脏你的手 在本章中,您将访问一个非常简单的代码示例,以熟悉Soot基本数据结构和Jimple (Soot的原理中间表示)。 ./gradlew run --args="HelloSoot" : 方法的Jimple表示形式以及分支语句。 ./gradlew run --args="HelloSoot draw" : 控制流图的可视化。 标题 教程 烟尘代码 输入示例 你好煤烟
2021-11-11 13:26:08 4.52MB visualization java tutorial static-analysis
PowerFactory是德国DIgSILENT GmbH公司开发的大型电力系统综合仿真软件,DIgSILENT这一名称来源于数字仿真和电网计算程序(DIgital SImuLation and Electrical NeTwork)。它是一款全能的电力系统仿真软件,覆盖了当前电力系统规划和运维的主要仿真分析功能。它结果准确、行业认可度高,目前已有30年的市场应用,服务于160多个国家和地区,全球用户超过12000个,在工业界和学术界享有盛誉,是包括英国、法国等多个国家电网在内的电网企业、电力设备制造商、以及欧洲大部分高校主要的电力系统分析工具。随着中国电力走向世界,PowerFactory已作为仿真平台已被国内各科研单位、检测认证机构及高校等广泛应用。 本教程适用于电力系统部门, 高校研究机构等专业人员学习使用. 这是7课入门教程中的第7课.
2021-11-10 20:45:39 56.07MB Digsilent PowerFactory 培训文档 视频