Effective stl中文版 Effective stl英文版 (均完整清晰带索引,非影印) 示例代码
2022-03-13 06:47:05 1.61MB stl
Written for the intermediate or advanced C++ programmer, renowned C++ expert Scott Meyers provides essential techniques for getting more out of the Standard Template Library in Effective STL, a tutorial for doing more with this powerful library. STL is a hugely powerful feature of today's C++, but one with a well-earned reputation for complexity. The book is organized into 50 tips that explore different areas of the STL. Besides providing a list of dos and don'ts, Meyers presents a lot of background on what works and what doesn't with STL. Each tip is demonstrated with in-depth coding samples, many of which make use of two-color printing to highlight the most important lines of code. (Advanced developers will enjoy Meyers's in-depth explanations, while those who are in a hurry can skip ahead to the recommended tip itself.) A good part of this book involves using containers, like vectors and maps, which are built into STL. (Besides the standard built-in containers, the author also highlights recent additions to STL like B-trees, which are available as extensions from other vendors.) You'll learn the best ways to allocate, add, change, and delete items inside containers, including associative containers like maps. You'll also learn to avoid common pitfalls, which can result in writing code that is slow or just plain wrong. Other areas covered in Effective STL cover getting the most out of the 100-plus STL algorithms that are bundled with this library. Meyers shows you how to choose the correct algorithm for sorting and other functions. (Even advanced developers will learn something here.) Sections on using function objects (called functors) round out the text. Meyers shows you when these classes make sense and the best ways to implement them. Besides specific tips, you'll get plenty of general programming advice. A useful appendix shows the limitations of STL as implemented in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and how to overcome them. Overall, Effective STL is a really invaluable source of programming expertise on an essential aspect of today's C++ for anyone who is using--or planning to use--STL in real production code. It is quite simply a must-have. --Richard Dragan
2022-03-13 06:45:16 7.65MB c++ Effective STL
2022-03-12 21:43:17 11.11MB STL
2022-03-12 21:39:33 1.23MB STL C++
2022-03-11 19:28:56 28.92MB STL C++ 标准库 侯捷
书出版时间 2015年6月 侯捷 译,带书签,扫描版 pdf,非常值得推荐。学习c++11的好书。
2022-03-11 10:24:31 228.67MB C++11 STL C++
2022-03-10 20:12:59 17.78MB C++,STL
2022-03-10 13:59:59 68.56MB C++ STL
Lattice Generator 是一个简单的 MatLab 程序,可以自动生成各种直接转换为 STL 格式的晶格几何图形。 这些周期性结构旨在与选择性激光熔化 (SLM) 或电子束熔化 (EBM) 的金属增材制造技术一起使用,但也可应用于需要输入 STL 文件的许多其他增材技术。 该程序明显需要一种快速而简单的方法来生成用于研究目的的 STL 晶格结构,该程序是开发更大晶格生成能力的初步工作的一部分。 在当前状态下,该程序包括以下均匀晶格类型: - 体心立方 (BCC) - 面心立方 (FCC) - 修正 FCC 变体,移除 xy、yz 和 xz 平面- 组合 BCC 和 FCC 单元- 修改组合 BCC 和 FCC 去除 xy 平面- 简单的立方体(盒形单元) 理论上,任何晶格单元配置都可以添加到程序中,前提是它可以占据一个立方体并且能够被镶嵌。 此外,据观察,通过传统技术创建有限元
2022-03-10 00:06:53 1.22MB matlab
** 由 Oliver Woodford 提供大幅提速。 建议更新到最新版本** stlwrite(FILE, FV) 将立体光刻 (STL) 文件写入 FILE 由 FV 定义的三角面片(具有字段“顶点”的结构) 和“面Kong”)。 stlwrite(FILE, FACES, VERTICE) 分别取面和顶点, 而不是在 FV 结构中stlwrite(FILE, X, Y, Z) 从 X, Y 中的表面数据创建一个 STL 文件, 和 Z. stlwrite 将此网格数据三角化为三角化表面使用下面指定的三角测量选项。 X、Y 和 Z 可以是大小相同的二维数组。 如果 X 和 Y 是向量长度分别等于 SIZE(Z,2) 和 SIZE(Z,1),它们被传递通过 MESHGRID 创建网格数据。 如果X或Y是标量值, 它们用于指定网格点之间的 X 和 Y 间距。 stlwrite(...,'
2022-03-09 15:26:36 5KB matlab