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2019-12-21 20:09:34 70.11MB 通信 5G
2019-12-21 20:07:27 77.97MB 通信新读 陈小锋 完整 扫描
本书主要围绕Orange Can项目展开一系列编码工作,用几近真实的项目介绍小程序的各个API、组件用法,并附带一些小程序开发的经验、技巧以及常见的误区说明。整个Orange Can项目分为三部分:文章阅读、电影资讯以及设置。文章阅读包括文章列表、文章详情以及评论,通过编写文章阅读功能的代码,读者将学会swiper组件的裁剪模式、image组件的裁剪模式、缓存的使用技巧、列表渲染、数据绑定、模板、音乐播放、录音、分享等知识。除此之外,读者将对小程序页面的生命周期有一个大致了解。学习完这部分内容,读者将可以轻松做出一个内容型小程序应用。电影资讯功能主要介绍如何调用服务器数据及template模板的使用技巧。设置页面功能包含大量功能示例,包括获取硬件设备信息、罗盘与重力感应的应用、扫描二维码、用户登录、用户信息校验、解析用户加密数据、获取用户openId、发送模板消息、微信支付等功能。本书还提供部分服务器的PHP代码,主要供用户登录、校验、解析加密数据、模板消息、微信支付等功能调用。本书内容丰富、注重实战,讲解通俗易懂。适合小程序开发人员、培训机构和企业内部培训使用。
2019-12-21 20:01:40 92.61MB 微信小程序 高清完整 带目录书签
2019-12-21 19:57:05 60.21MB R语言 LS_SVM GARCH
With the ongoing release of 3D movies and the emergence of 3D TVs, 3D imaging technologies have penetrated our daily lives. Yet choosing from the numerous 3D vision methods available can be frustrating for scientists and engineers, especially without a comprehensive resource to consult. Filling this gap, Handbook of 3D Machine Vision: Optical Metrology and Imaging gives an extensive, in-depth look at the most popular 3D imaging techniques. It focuses on noninvasive, noncontact optical methods (optical metrology and imaging). The handbook begins with the well-studied method of stereo vision and explains how random speckle patterns or space-time varying patterns substantially improve the results of stereo vision. It then discusses stereo particle image velocimetry as a major experimental means in fluid dynamics, the robust and easy-to-implement structured-light technique for computer science applications, digital holography for performing micro- to nanoscale measurements, and grating, interferometry, and fringe projection techniques for precisely measuring dynamically deformable natural objects. The book goes on to describe techniques that do not require triangulation to recover a 3D shape, including time-of-flight techniques and uniaxial 3D shape measurement, as well as 3D measurement techniques that are not restricted to surface capture, such as 3D ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, and 3D endoscopy. The book also explores how novel 3D imaging techniques are being applied in the promising field of biometrics―which may prove essential to security and public safety. Written by key players in the field and inventors of important imaging technologies, this authoritative, state-of-the-art handbook helps you understand the core of 3D imaging technology and choose the proper 3D imaging technique for your needs. For each technique, the book provides its mathematical foundations, summarizes its successful applications, and discusses its limitations.
2019-12-21 19:55:41 17.61MB Handbook 3D machine vision
2019-12-21 19:47:00 42.91MB jQuery
介绍了Fortran 的发展历史,并以Fortran 90详细的讲解了Fortran 的用法与作用,本资料为原版图书高清扫描PDF文件,共540页,本书的特色是结合大量实例剖析Fortran 90的强大功能,并在每章后面配有相应的习题与总结,不管对于初学Fortran的人还是中高级人员都是必备的好书:)
2019-12-21 19:45:43 15MB Fortran 90 经典教材
Qt中的C++技术 完整高清扫描版,带书签。学习QT C++开发必备书籍
2019-12-21 19:44:03 136.44MB QT  C++
Cadence Allegro 16.6实战必备教程 高清扫描版 李文庆.pdf
2019-12-21 19:42:44 71.35MB Cadence Allegro 李文庆 高清扫描版
2019-12-21 19:40:58 10.91MB DSP