守夜 微服务状态页面。 监视分布式基础结构并发送警报(Slack,SMS等)。 Vigil是一个开源状态页,您可以在基础结构上托管该状态页,该状态页用于监视所有服务器和应用程序,并且对用户可见(在您选择的域中,例如status.example.com )。 在微服务环境中监视应用程序和后端很有用。 如果基础结构中的某个节点出现故障,您会在Slack通道,电子邮件,Twilio SMS或/和XMPP中收到状态更改通知。 在Rust版本上测试: rustc 1.48.0-nightly (7f7a1cbfd 2020-09-27) :Hungary: 在匈牙利布达佩斯制作。 :backhand_index_pointing_right: 在上查看Vigi
2021-02-04 09:10:22 329KB slack infrastructure status microservices
2019-12-21 20:57:37 4.31MB Coding Traffic_ligh
Requires Unity 2017.4.1 or higher. Urban Traffic System If you create a quality realistic city, then this asset for you! Asset comprises 31 lowpoly models of different transport, everyone has one LOD and 11 models of people with 4 LODS each, necessary for the creation of urban traffic. Such as: 1. Mountainbike 2. Moped 3. GyroScooters 4. Vans 5. Motorcycle 6. Cars 7. Trucks 8. Semi 9. Buses Info about polygons of models of characters: LOD 0 = 4930 LOD 1 = 2466 LOD 2 = 1478 LOD 3 = 984 LOD 4 = 490 This asset supports mobile platforms, but provided that there is a small number of cars and pedestrians in the scene. Otherwise, weak phones simply can not withstand as many polygons. Since, all the low-poly model, but have a high quality textures. Moreover, all cars have the LOD. Each model has a standard set of textures: 1. Diffuse 2. Specular 3. Glossiness 4. Normal 5. Mask I want to note that the models do not have interiors. We strive to create a better traffic system and the city's population. And we are constantly working on the project. To achieve maximum realism in the behavior of cars and pedestrians.
2019-12-21 20:42:27 66B 城市交通 Urban Traffi
Solarwinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer-NTA-v3.5-Full-SLX 1、要先安装,然后再依次安装Netflow3.5-SP1和Netflow3.5-SP2 2、期间会重启Solarwinds,让你输入netflow的许可,我已经上传了许可和许可计算机,你们去下载就可以了;
2019-12-21 20:08:22 11.82MB Solarwinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer
十字路口交通灯的设计,可实现通行时间调整,紧急状态切换的功能 包含源程序和仿真
2019-12-21 19:42:19 82KB traffic ligh
PRTG Traffic Grapher 商业注册版 可Web查看 SNMP 图形化流量监控
2019-12-21 19:34:46 35.73MB PRTG SNMP 监控流量
2019-12-21 19:34:26 329KB 交通标志识别
2019-12-21 19:21:00 3.63MB verilong 交通灯 traffic
2019-12-21 19:18:16 1.16MB Modbus 网络流量 数据集 入侵检测