12.4 双正交样条小波 样条函数是分段光滑且在连结点处具有一定光滑性的一类函数,它在数值逼近方面获 得了广泛的应用。其中基数 B 样条(Cardinal B-Spline)函数具有最小的支撑范围且又容易 在计算机上实现,因此被认为是构造小波函数的最佳候选者之一。 m 次 B 样条函数 )(tN m 是一阶 B 样条函数 )( 1 tN 自身作 1m 次卷积所得到的,而 )( 1 tN 正是 Haar 小波的尺度函数,即
2022-03-19 10:50:24 9.58MB 现代信号处理 胡广书
基于MATLAB常用数字调制方式仿真模型 包括2ASK,4ASK,2PSK,4PSK,QAM等常用数字调制方式的方针模型。用GUI图形表示。
2022-03-18 20:47:18 7KB MATLAB GUI 数字调制 调制方式
show-rank Extension for Google Chrome to show conference/journal rankings in search results. Currently supports CCF(China Computer Federation) rankings on , , and . 一个 Google Chrome 扩展,用于在论文搜索结果页面显示会议/期刊等级。目前支持在 , , 和 上显示 CCF (中国计算机协会)等级。 Intstall Install from Chrome Webstore / 从 Chrome 网上应用店上安装: Direct download / 直接下载: Introduction When searching for papers on the supported sites, the CCF rank
2022-03-17 20:31:12 323KB dblp springer acm-digital-library ieeexplore
005-Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting Technology-A practical Engineering guide.pdf 3rd edition!!!
2022-03-17 15:45:43 7.77MB dtv video audio broadcasting
The textbook consists of 13 chapters, organized as follows: & Chapter 1 introduces concepts of DSP and presents a general DSP block diagram. Application examples are included. & Chapter 2 covers the sampling theorem described in time domain and frequency domain and also covers signal reconstruction. Some practical considerations for designing analog anti-aliasing lowpass filters and antiimage lowpass filters are included. The chapter ends with a section dealing with analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) and digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), as well as signal quantization and encoding. & Chapter 3 introduces digital signals, linear time-invariant system concepts, difference equations, and digital convolutions.
2022-03-17 14:43:31 7.36MB Digital Signal Processing Li
工业制造商越来越多地在企业对企业(B2B)环境中开发数字平台。 数字平台的这种新兴形式需要一个深刻而又鲜为人知的整体视角,包括平台架构,平台服务和平台治理的共同发展。 为了弥补这一研究空白,我们的研究从工业制造的角度研究了多个平台赞助商。 该研究划分了三种平台原型:产品平台,供应链平台和平台生态系统。 我们认为,每种平台原型都涉及平台架构,平台服务和平台治理的逐渐发展,它们是相互镜像的。 我们还发现,每种平台原型都具有特定的创新机制,该机制有助于发现平台服务并扩大平台价值。 我们的研究扩展了平台生态系统文献和数字服务化文献的共同进化观点。
2022-03-16 22:28:04 3.41MB Digital servitization Industrial digital
Contents Starting up Lesson 1: Adobe Illustrator CS6 Jumpstart Lesson 2: Getting to Know the Workspace Lesson 3: Illustrator CS6 Essentials Lesson 4: Adding Color Lesson 5: Working with the Drawing Tools Lesson 6: Exploring Additional Color Options Lesson 7: Working with and Formatting Text Lesson 8: Organizing your Illustrations with Layers Lesson 9: Working with Symbols Lesson 10: Using Effects and Transparency Lesson 11: Exporting and Saving Files Lesson 12: Advanced Blending Techniques Lesson 13: Adobe Illustrator CS6 New Features Appendix: Adobe Illustrator Tools
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Kaggle digita l数据集 包含了42000份训练数据和28000份测试数据
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Digital Holography Microcopy. Applications of Digital holography
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digital holography by U.Schnars & W.Jueptner
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