he Practical, Comprehensive Guide to Applying Cybersecurity Best Practices and Standards in Real Environments In Effective Cybersecurity, William Stallings introduces the technology, operational procedures, and management practices needed for successful cybersecurity. Stallings makes extensive use of standards and best practices documents that are often used to guide or mandate cybersecurity implementation. Going beyond these, he offers in-depth tutorials on the “how” of implementation, integrated into a unified framework and realistic plan of action. Each chapter contains a clear technical overview, as well as a detailed discussion of action items and appropriate policies. Stallings offers many pedagogical features designed to help readers master the material: clear learning objectives, keyword lists, review questions, and QR codes linking to relevant standards documents and web resources.
2021-09-28 22:58:34 14.2MB Cybersecurit
《More Effective C++:35个改善编程与设计的有效方法(中文版)》内容简介:继Effective C++之后,Scott Meyers于1996推出这本《More Effective C++(35个改善编程与设计的有效方法)》“续集”。条款变得比较少,页数倒是多了一些,原因是这次选材比“第一集”更高阶,尤其是第5章。Meyers将此章命名为技术(techniques),并明白告诉你,其中都是一些patterns,例如virtual constructors,smart pointers,reference counting,proxy classes,double dispatching……这一章的每个条款篇幅都达15-30 页之多,实在让人有“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”之叹。
2021-09-24 08:24:46 2.41MB C++、高效
呵呵 这本书就不用介绍了吧 很多人都听过了哦 大家下吧 个人觉得很经典啊
2021-09-23 09:35:02 2.41MB more effective c++ 简体中文版(pdf
Effective C++中文版第三版 完整,字体清晰,内容详实,可在工作学习过程中改善代码质量,提高代码水平
2021-09-23 09:29:43 29.52MB C++ EffectiveC++ ScottMeyers
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Effective Python-编写高质量PYTHON代码的59个有效方法【美】-中文版,pdf高清中文
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Effective C++
2021-09-09 16:33:00 16.83MB Effective C++
2021-09-08 11:51:16 21.86MB c++
Effective C++之后,Scott Meyers于1996推出这本“续集”。条款变得比较少,页数倒是多了一些,原因是这次选材比“第一集”更高阶,尤其是第5章。Meyers将此章命名为技术(techniques),并明白告诉你,其中都是一些patterns,例如virtual constructors,smart pointers,reference counting,proxy classes,double dispatching……这一章的每个条款篇幅都达15~30 页之多,实在让人有“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”之叹。   虽然出版年代稍嫌久远,但本书并没有第2版,原因是当其出版之时(1996),C++ Standard已经几乎定案,《More Effective C++:35个改善编程与设计的有效方法(中文版)》即依当时的标准草案而写,其与现今的C++ 标准规范几乎相同。而且可能变化的几个弹性之处,Meyers也都有所说明与提示。读者可以登录作者提供的网址,看看上下两集的勘误与讨论(数量之多,令人惊恐。幸好多是技术讨论或文字斟酌,并没有什么重大误失)。   读者对象:程序设计学习者和在职开发人员。
2021-09-07 18:58:22 24.15MB More Effecti 带目录
Effective C++ 及 more effective c++ 侯捷老师译 Effective C++ 及 more effective c++ 侯捷老师译
2021-09-07 17:43:34 2.21MB Effective C++ more effective