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Effective Python Development for Biologists: Tools and techniques for building biological programs By 作者: Dr Martin Jones ISBN-10 书号: 153910303X ISBN-13 书号: 9781539103035 出版日期: 2016-09-26 pages 页数: 296 Contents 1: Introduction 1 About this book » 1 Typography and formatting » 5 Getting in touch » 8 2: Environments for developing in Python 10 Introduction » 10 What you actually write code in » 10 Integrated development environments » 14 Managing Python and packages » 19 Working in a debugger » 25 Alternatives to pdb » 57 Recap » 59 3: Organizing and sharing code 61 Introduction » 61 Working with modules » 63 Distributing code » 80 Recap » 86 4: Testing your code 88 Introduction » 88 Testing with assert » 89 Automated testing with nose » 105 Types of assertions » 119 Designing for testing » 127 Special types of testing » 131 Recap » 137 5: Performance 139 Introduction » 139 Benchmarking » 140 Benchmarking memory » 147 Profiling » 160 Guidelines for performance optimization » 179 Specific tips for improving performance » 181 Further topics in performance » 194 Recap » 197 6: Building user interfaces 198 Why do we need a user interface? » 198 A simple program » 200 A simple interactive interface » 203 A simple command line interface » 207 Command line interfaces with argparse » 216 Alternatives to argparse » 241 Configuration files » 243 Web interfaces » 250 Graphical user interfaces » 257 Logging » 269 Logging messages » 273 Logging to a file » 276 Recap » 283
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