01龙珠Python训练营Task 1_ Python基础入门 的学习笔记 加注释
2021-02-06 09:03:58 622KB Python
ICDE2020 空间众包中依赖感知的任务分配论文
2021-01-28 04:28:24 980KB ICDE2020
本文主要是关于informixm / SinoDb sysadmin库中关于admin()与task()用法
2021-01-28 02:53:34 48KB informix SinoDb admin()函数 task()函数
Multi-processor system on chip (MPSoC) has been widely applied in embedded systems in the past decades. However, it has posed great challenges to efficiently design and implement a rapid prototype for diverse applications due to heterogeneous instruction set architectures (ISA), programming interfaces and software tool chains. In order to solve the problem, this paper proposes a novel high level architecture support for automatic out-of-order (OoO) task execution on FPGA based heterogeneous MPSoCs. The architecture support is composed of a hierarchical middleware with an automatic task level OoO parallel execution engine. Incorporated with a hierarchical OoO layer model, the middleware is able to identify the parallel regions and generate the sources codes automatically. Besides, a runtime middleware Task-Scoreboarding analyzes the inter-task data dependencies and automatically schedules and dispatches the tasks with parameter renaming techniques. The middleware has been verified by the prototype built on FPGA platform. Examples and a JPEG case study demonstrate that our model can largely ease the burden of programmers as well as uncover the task level parallelism.
2021-01-28 00:52:23 1.95MB MPSoC
2021-01-28 00:48:29 3.4MB autosar OSEK OS TASK
2019-12-21 22:25:51 39KB Java
但如果只是简单的跑个任务其实spring升级到3后已经自带任务调度器了,相比之下Spring task无论是理解还是使用都简单很多。但是Quartz有线程和线程管理以及集群等高级特性,所以大家可以自行选择了。不过一般情况下,觉得SpringTask足够了。 Spring Task提供两种方式进行配置,注解和配置文件。使用注解虽然简单,不用配置xml,但是相对于修改比较频繁的任务来说,打包编译的过程也是挺麻烦的,建议使用配置文件实现。
2019-12-21 22:22:09 8.96MB SpringMv task
C#异步编程和并行编程示例,提供了 Thread, Task ,async+await,以及异步Paralle
2019-12-21 21:10:43 536KB C# Thread Task async
2019-12-21 20:58:26 50KB c# task 异步 多线程
semeval-2016-task-5 情感分析数据集 英文数据集 情感分析的文本 标签和方面级
2019-12-21 20:49:24 154KB data