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2022-03-15 09:58:22 166KB android kotlin-android android-development Kotlin
2022-03-08 14:14:48 23.02MB Kotlin
2022-03-08 10:41:08 2.5MB Kotlin for Android
第1章 课程介绍及项目初始化 第2章 模块化实战与主流框架配置 第3章 通用组件封装及通用资源文件引入 第4章 用户模块开发 第5章 主模块开发 第6章 商品模块开发 第7章 购物车模块开发 第8章 订单模块开发 第9章 支付模块开发 本章主要介绍如何使用支付宝沙箱环境,封装一个支付模块。 重点介绍支付宝支付流程及集成,支付签名必须放到服务端实现,避免风险。 第10章 消息模块开发 第11章 代码优化及课程总结 ———————————————— 百度网盘,如果失效发消息给我,我是设置的永久链接
2022-03-01 13:09:41 64B 电商APP MVP 主流框架 android视频教程
2022-02-27 17:23:49 147KB Kotlin
Make the most of Kotlin by leveraging design patterns and best practices to build scalable and high performing apps Key Features Understand traditional GOF design patterns to apply generic solutions Shift from OOP to FP; covering reactive and concurrent patterns in a step-by-step manner Choose the best microservices architecture and MVC for your development environment Book Description Design patterns enable you as a developer to speed up the development process by providing you with proven development paradigms. Reusing design patterns helps prevent complex issues that can cause major problems, improves your code base, promotes code reuse, and makes an architecture more robust. The mission of this book is to ease the adoption of design patterns in Kotlin and provide good practices for programmers. The book begins by showing you the practical aspects of smarter coding in Kotlin, explaining the basic Kotlin syntax and the impact of design patterns. From there, the book provides an in-depth explanation of the classical design patterns of creational, structural, and behavioral families, before heading into functional programming. It then takes you through reactive and concurrent patterns, teaching you about using streams, threads, and coroutines to write better code along the way By the end of the book, you will be able to efficiently address common problems faced while developing applications and be comfortable working on scalable and maintainable projects of any size What you will learn Get to grips with Kotlin principles, including its strengths and weaknesses Understand classical design patterns in Kotlin Explore functional programming using built-in features of Kotlin Solve real-world problems using reactive and concurrent design patterns Use threads and coroutines to simplify concurrent code flow Understand antipatterns to write clean Kotlin code, avoiding common pitfalls Learn about the design considerations necessary while choosing between architectures Who This Book Is For This book is for developers who would like to master design patterns with Kotlin to build efficient and scalable applications. Basic Java or Kotlin programming knowledge is assumed Table of Contents Getting Started with Kotlin Working with Creational Patterns Understanding Structural Patterns Getting familiar with Behavioral Patterns Pattern implementation using Functional Programming Exploring Streams Staying reactive Introduction: Threads and Coroutines Designed for concurrency Anti-patterns and Idioms Simplifying microservices and MVC
2022-02-21 20:39:15 1.41MB jvm kotlin 设计模式 并发
采用kotlin代码实现,代码简单易懂,采用接口方式回调结果,已经封装好,方便移植。具有以下特性: 1、支持点击选色,滑动选色,且支持实时预览 2、颜色分解为Alpha及RGB 四通道 更加直观 3、支持4通道分别调色,精准到每个维度,每个色值 4、输出支持十六进制及RGB通道
2022-02-21 09:25:22 17.23MB android java kotlin 颜色选择器
Kotlin语法实战与Android应用笔记: 1、较为详细地介绍了Kotlin的语法,在某些方面与Java的语法区别也做了说明,并指明一些Kotlin语句编译成Java语句的形式。讲述了Kotlin语言是一种强类型语言,所有数据类型都是类封装的,数据类型不能隐式转换,必须显式变换。 2、详细地介绍了Kotlin的各种类,比如数据类、枚举类、密封类,类的继承,类的多态性,类的主构造函数与次构造函数,抽象类与接口,还有嵌套类与内部类与Java语言的区别。所有类只能有一个父类,可以实现多个接口。 3、简介了类成员的getter和setter方法。 4、详述了运算符函数与重载方法。 5、全面地罗列了Android系统的常用组件:Activity、Service、BraodcastReceiver和ContentProvider,各Wedget的成员属性和方法,包括AlertDialog的几种用法,List的Adapter构造等。
2022-02-17 09:10:16 4.24MB android kotlin java apache
新手入坑必备的书籍 我爱android 我爱开源 大家共同交流
2022-01-23 16:09:09 195.75MB Kotlin 入门 小白 新手
Kotlin 官方参考文档 中文版kotlin-reference-chinese.pdf kotlin-for-android-developers-sample.pdf Kotlin实战(Kotlin in action)中文.pdf Using Project Kotlin for Android - Documentos de Google.pdf 以及练习项目kotlin-koans
2022-01-21 16:11:07 5.62MB kotlin