学习TCL的好材料,英文版. 目录如下: 1. Tcl Fundamentals 1-1 Backslash sequences 1-2 Arithmetic operators from highest to lowest precedence 1-3 Built-in math functions 1-4 Built-in Tcl commands 2. Getting Started 2-1 Wish command line options 2-2 Variables defined by tclsh and wish 3. The Guestbook CGI Application 3-1 HTML tags used in the examples 4. String Processing in Tcl 4-1 The string command 4-2 Matching characters used with string match 4-3 Character class names 4-4 Format conversions 4-5 Format flags 4-6 Binary conversion types 5. Tcl Lists 5-1 List-related commands 5-2 Options to the lsearch command 8. Tcl Arrays 8-1 The array command 9. Working with Files and Programs 9-1 Summary of the exec syntax for I/O redirection 9-2 The file command options 9-3 Array elements defined by file stat 9-4 Platform-specific file attributes 9-5 Tcl commands used for file access 9-6 Summary of the open access arguments 9-7 Summary of POSIX flags for the access argument 9-8 glob command options 9-9 The registry command 9-10 The registry data types 11. Regular Expressions 11-1 Additional advanced regular expression syntax 11-2 Backslash escapes in regular expressions 11-3 Character classes 11-4 Embedded option characters used with the (?x) syntax 11-5 Options to the regexp command 11-6 Sample regular expressions 12. Script Libraries and Packages 12-1 Options to the pkg_mkIndex command 12-2 The package command 13. Reflection and Debugging 13-1 clock format keywords 13-2 The clock command 13-3 The info command 13-4 The history command 13-5 Special history syntax 14. Namespaces 14-1 The namespace command 15. Internationalization 15-1 The encoding command 15-2 The msgcat package 16. Event-Driven Programming 16-1 The after command 16-2 The fileevent command 16-3 I/O channel properties controlled by fconfigure 16-4 Serial line properties controlled by fconfigure 16-5 End of line translation modes 17. Socket Programming 17-1 Options to
2021-11-02 09:36:05 2.02MB Tcl Promgram
SAP销售模块操作 详细介绍了销售与分销模块的操作 适用于SAP SD模块的学习
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This is a book introducing different kinds of surrogate model, including other mathematical knowledge to validate the accuracy of surrogates.It also contains methods about sampling. The book also explains related topic about surrogate based optimization.
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Professional CMake_ A Practical Guide 一份逻辑清晰的cmake书籍
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Differential Evolution——A Practical Approach to Global Optimization 差分进化算法入门基础书籍
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Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (3rd Ed)
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基于Python的实用深度学习概述 如果你对机器学习很好奇,但不知道从哪里开始,这就是你一直在等待的书。它专注于被称为深度学习的机器学习子领域,解释了核心概念,并为您提供了开始构建自己的模型所需的基础。而不是简单地概述使用现有工具包的教程,实用深度学习教你为什么使用深度学习,并将激励你进一步探索。 你所需要的是对计算机编程和高中数学的基本熟悉——这本书将涵盖其余的内容。在介绍Python之后,您将浏览关键主题,如如何构建良好的训练数据集,使用scikit-learn和Keras库,并评估您的模型的性能。 您还将了解: 如何使用经典的机器学习模型,如k-最近邻,随机森林,和支持向量机 神经网络是如何工作的,又是如何训练的 如何使用卷积神经网络 如何从零开始开发一个成功的深度学习模型 您将在此过程中进行实验,构建最终的案例研究,其中包含您所学到的所有内容。 您将使用的所有代码都可以在这里获得: https://github.com/rkneusel9/PracticalDeepLearningPython/ 这是对这个动态的,不断扩大的领域的完美介绍,实用深度学习将给你的技能和信心潜入自己的机器学习项目。
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