光纤通信系统 全英文 pdf格式。。。。。
2021-09-26 09:04:04 554KB 处理器 微型机器 数据处理 参考文献
The Annotated C++ Reference Manual 英文 PDF 复印扫描版 part3 Bjarne Stroustrup 差
2021-09-25 16:30:52 30.16MB Annotated C++ Reference Manual
1.英文版:ContemporaryCommunicationSystemsUsingMatlab By:JohnG.Proakis 2.中译本: 现代通信系统使用Matlab 刘树棠 3.现代通信系统使用MATLAB第二版中所有程序m文件
2021-09-24 16:44:19 12.71MB matlab 刘树棠 所有程序m文件 JohnG.Proakis
1. SCOPE This document defines a level of standardization in the implementation of the digital pulse scheme for reporting sensor information via Single Edge Nibble Transmission (SENT) encoding. This standard will allow ECU and tool manufacturers to satisfy the needs of multiple end users with minimum modifications to the basic design. This standard will benefit vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) by achieving lower ECU costs due to higher industry volumes of the basic design. Requirements stated in this document provide a minimum standard level of performance to which all compatible ECUs and media shall be designed. This assures data communication among all connected devices regardless of supplier. This document is a communication interface specification and no to be treated as product specification. The intended audience includes, but is not limited to, ECU suppliers, sensor suppliers, component release engineers and vehicle system engineers.
2021-09-22 15:53:46 2.55MB SENT SAE J2716
Learn the tricks of the trade so you can build and architect applications that scale quickly--without all the high-priced headaches and service-level agreements associated with enterprise app servers and proprietary programming and database products. Culled from the experience of the Flickr.com lead developer, Building Scalable Web Sites offers techniques for creating fast sites that your visitors will find a pleasure to use.Creating popular sites requires much more than fast hardware with lots of memory and hard drive space. It requires thinking about how to grow over time, how to make the same resources accessible to audiences with different expectations, and how to have a team of developers work on a site without creating new problems for visitors and for each other.Presenting information to visitors from all over the world Integrating email with your web applications Planning hardware purchases and hosting options to have as much as you need without breaking your wallet Partitioning and distributing databases to support large datasets and simultaneous transactions Monitoring your applications to find and clear bottlenecks* Providing services APIs and using services from other providers to increase your site's reach and capabilitiesWhether you're starting a small web site with hopes of growing big or you already have a large system that needs maintenance, you'll find Building Scalable Web Sites to be a library of ideas for making things work. 无PDF口令
2021-09-22 01:25:55 4.58MB Web 建站
2021-09-20 22:46:56 4.2MB csapp 深入理解计算机系统
2021-09-20 18:01:41 3.15MB
有Windows程序设计(第五版) 中文版chm+中英文pdf+.zip 和例程code
2021-09-15 17:27:57 28.02MB Windows