专业数据恢复软件UFS Explorer Professional Recovery是一个全功能的软件应用程序专门的数据恢复专家设计的。该应用程序成功地结合了低层次的数据分析和数据管理功能,高级数据恢复工具。 UFS Explorer的专业恢复是UFS Explorer的组,它允许改变在存储原始信息的唯一的软件。 学习版,稳定好用,我试过了,5.2.2
2022-07-31 08:06:11 9.82MB 学习 数据分析 数据挖掘
UFS Explorer专业版恢复5.23 +破解,啥也不多说了,懂的人都知道,安装原程序后将补丁放到安装目录,运行即可,如果不成功,手动打开破解软件,将生成的激活码复制到软件即可
2022-07-29 09:01:22 9.91MB UFS Explorer Pro Crack
2022RH 07月28日 Agisoft Metashape Professional专业版 Metashape是由Agisoft公司推出的一款基于图像的3D建模软件,旨在从静止图像中创建专业品质的3D内容。基于最新的多视图3D重建技术,它可以使用任意图像进行操作,并且在受控和非受控条件下均可高效运行。可以从任何位置拍摄照片,只要在至少两张照片上可以看到要重建的对象。 Agisoft Metashape Pro 中文版 Agisoft Metashape Pro 中文版特点 Agisoft Metashape的图像对齐和3D模型重建都是完全自动化的。大部分的处理操作都是根据用户设置的参数自动执行的。 掩码在Metashape处理工作流程中的拥有强大的作用和丰富的选项,相机校准功能优化相机对齐结果的功能,并提供了模型参考的指导。 参考模型,无论是网格还是DEM,都可以作为测量的基础。面积,体积,剖面测量程序还包括植被指数计算的信息。 自动化节省了手动干预处理工作流的机会,重建3D模型可能需要相当长的时间,允许在流程的任何阶段导出获得的结果并以项目文件的形式保存中间数据。
2022-07-28 13:04:39 268B AgisoftMetashap
V5.61 20190823,内含破解,使用防火墙添加规则禁止联网。CCleaner Professional是清理PC的首选工具。它保护您的隐私,使您的计算机更快更安全!可以管理启动项、浏览器插件、磁盘分析、重复文件查找、系统还原、磁盘擦除、注册表清理等
2022-07-21 22:54:58 19.91MB Windows 系统清理
介绍 500 个惊人的 Photoshop 动作,只需单击一下即可创建令人惊叹的照片! 这些 Photoshop 动作非常易于使用,从初学者到专业摄影师都可以使用。 准备好在 Photoshop 中创造魔法吧! 强调: 500 个 Photoshop 动作 组织良好的图层 100% 无损动作 完全可编辑的图层 适用于 Photoshop CS4 及更高版本 附带商业许可证
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EmEditor支持大文件和Unicode的最佳Windows文本编辑器。号称世界上最快的文本编辑器!EmEditor 是一款快速,轻巧,可扩展,使用方便的 Windows 代码编辑器。支持宏,Unicode,代码段插件,还能处理大数据以及 CSV 文件,无需 Excel,堪称最强 CSV 编辑器。软件自带简体中文,支持32位和64位版。
2022-07-05 18:08:44 34.51MB 强大的文本编辑器
Agisoft Metashape Professional 1.5.3 Build 8407 (x64) Multilingual | 161.2 Mb Agisoft Metashape (formerly PhotoScan) is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data to be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurements of objects of various scales. Wisely implemented digital photogrammetry technique enforced with computer vision methods results in smart automated processing system that, on the one hand, can be managed by a new-comer in the field of photogrammetry, yet, on the other hand, has a lot to offer to a specialist who can adjust the workflow to numerous specific tasks and different types of data. Throughout various case studies Metashape proves to produce quality and accurate results. Photogrammetric triangulation - Processing of various types of imagery: aerial (nadir, oblique) & close-range. - Auto calibration: frame (incl. fisheye), spherical & cylindrical cameras. - Multi camera projects support. Dense point cloud: editing and classification - Elaborate model editing for accurate results. - Points classification to customize geometry reconstruction. - .LAS export to benefit from classical point data processing workflow. Digital elevation model: DSM/DTM export - Digital Surface and/or Digital Terrain Model — depending on the project. - Georeferncing based on EXIF meta data/flight log: GPS/GCPs data. - EPSG registry coordinate systems support: WGS84, UTM, etc. Georeferenced orthomosaic export - Georeferenced orthomosaic: most-GIS-compatible GeoTIFF format; .KML file to be located on Google Earth. - Export in blocks for huge projects. - Color correction for homogeneous texture. Measurements: distances, areas, volumes - Inbuilt tools to measure distances, areas and volumes. - To perform more sophisticated metric analysis Metashape products can be smoothly transferred to external tools thanks to a variety of export formats. Ground control points: high accuracy surveying - GCPs import to control accuracy of the results. - Coded/non-coded targets auto detection for fast GCPs input. - Scale bar tool to set reference distance without implementation of positioning equipment. Python scripts: customize processing workflow - In addition to Batch processing — a way to save on human intervention, Python scripting suggests customization options: - a parameters template for several similar data sets; intermediate processing results inspection; etc. Multispectral imagery processing - RGB/NIR/thermal/multispectral imagery processing. - Fast reconstruction based on preferable channel. - Multichannel orthomosaic generation for built-in vegetation indices (NDVI) calculation and export. 3D model: generation and texturing - Various scenes: archaeological sites, artifacts, buildings, interiors, people, etc. - Direct upload Sketchfab resource and export to varios popular formats. - Photorealistic textures: HDR and multifile support. 4D modeling for dynamic scenes - Multi camera station data processing for creative projects in cinemato- graphic art, game industry, etc. - Basis for numerous visual effects with 3D models reconstructed in time sequence. Panorama stitching - 3D reconstruction for data captured from the same camera position — camera station, provided that at least 2 camera stations are present. - 360° panorama stitching for one camera station data. Network processing - Distributed calculations over a computer network to use combined power of multiple nodes for huge data sets processing in one project. System Requirements: - CPU: Quad-core Intel Core i7 CPU, Socket LGA 1150 or 1155 (Kaby Lake, Skylake, Broadwell, Haswell, Ivy Bridge or Sandy Bridge) - Motherboard: Any LGA 1150 or 1155 model with 4 DDR3 slots and at least 1 PCI Express x16 slot - RAM: DDR3-1600, 4 x 4 GB (16 GB total) or 4 x 8 GB (32 GB total) - GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 or GeForce GTX 1080 (optional)
2022-07-04 14:57:40 161.24MB 三维建模 DEM
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