最新版本的sqlite3 64位静态库(不需要带dll),VS2010编译的,如果需要32位的自行编译就行了,里面包含demo和源码。 支持加密和集成了CppSQLite3 CppSQLite3DB db; db.open(DB_NAME, "password"); string temp = "select value from config where key='aaaa'"; CppSQLite3Query q = db.execQuery(temp.c_str()); temp.clear(); while (!q.eof()) { temp.append(q.fieldValue(0)); printf(temp.c_str()); q.nextRow(); }
2021-01-02 23:40:22 2.95MB sqlite3 x64 lib CppSQLite3DB
Java 11是一个长期支持(LTS)版本。这意味着那些对平台采用持保守态度并需要长期支持的用户可以通过Java SE订阅提供许可Oracle JDK二进制文件。它允许用户在至少8年内获得Java 11 LTS发行版的更新。订阅可以直接从Oracle访问经过测试和认证的Java SE性能方面、稳定性方面和安全性方面的更新。它还包括对 My Oracle Support (MOS)24x7的访问、对27种语言的支持、Java SE 8桌面管理、监控和部署特性等。
2020-05-09 11:30:39 170.96MB Java JDK11 Window 免安装版
亲测spy4win在win7 64位和32位下都能使用。
2020-02-17 03:00:29 2MB spy4win7 For windows7 x64位
RedHat 6 X64位下安装Informatica 9.5.1,图文详解,已安装测试
2020-01-23 03:05:04 5.13MB Informatica Redhat Linux
Installation: Extract the dle file into the plugins directory of 3ds Max. e.g.: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2017\plugins If you are encountering a runtime error when start 3ds Max you need to install Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Packages Usage: 1.Setup your scene and then choose Export or Export Selected from the File menu. 2.Click the 'Save as type' dropdown list where you will find Alin DirectX Exporter. Choose a file path, and then press OK. The configuration dialog will appear, which control how the scene data will be converted from 3ds Max to .x file. 3.New options: X-Rot and Z-Rot can be used for custom coordinate system, for example, switch between Y-up and Z-up is very easy: simply set the X-Rot to 90. 4.3d engine like Irrlicht needs key sequence to take full control of animation speed. You must select Custom in Timeline tab and set to 1, otherwise the animation will be very slow. 5.If there are textures with names in Asian(Chinese, Korean, Japanese) characters, you must set the output format to binary or compressed. 6.Click OK when you finish the configuration.
2020-01-20 03:06:02 248KB 3DMAX .x
jdk1.780最新 x64位官方正式版 jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz
2020-01-17 03:17:20 126.08MB java jdk web
64位 USB转虚拟串口失败, 扫码枪,扫描仪之类等等外部设备
2020-01-10 03:15:20 5.66MB 驱动
x64位系统使用plsqldev必备的软件, instantclient-basic-nt-
2020-01-03 11:35:54 47.99MB plsqldev x64位 instantclient
调试和配置工具, 有点用的. 特别是在UPD和tCP转换为串口时, 在没有硬件设备的情况下就更有用了,最新版本5.8.5(64位)
2020-01-03 11:24:38 8.59MB tibbo 虚拟串口
官网下载地址: http://phpmanager.codeplex.com/downloads/get/253209 PHP Manager for IIS Windows2008 x64位
2019-12-21 22:05:15 713KB PHP Manager for IIS