Communication Systems Engineering(2nd Edition)
2022-03-24 13:25:24 4.46MB 通信系统工程
12.4 双正交样条小波 样条函数是分段光滑且在连结点处具有一定光滑性的一类函数,它在数值逼近方面获 得了广泛的应用。其中基数 B 样条(Cardinal B-Spline)函数具有最小的支撑范围且又容易 在计算机上实现,因此被认为是构造小波函数的最佳候选者之一。 m 次 B 样条函数 )(tN m 是一阶 B 样条函数 )( 1 tN 自身作 1m 次卷积所得到的,而 )( 1 tN 正是 Haar 小波的尺度函数,即
2022-03-19 10:50:24 9.58MB 现代信号处理 胡广书
2022-03-14 16:09:17 454KB communication environmental sensing internet
CellChat:单元间通信的推理和分析 重要更新!! 2021年1月5日(版本0.5.0) CellChat对象的微小变化(请通过updateCellChat()更新以前计算的CellChat对象) 功能和教程的增强文档(使用help()来检查文档,例如help(CellChat) ) 多个数据集进行比较分析的新功能 支持从Seurat V3或SingleCellExperiment对象创建新的CellChat对象 基于网络的“ CellChat Explorer” 我们构建了一个用户友好的基于Web的“ ”,其中包含两个主要组件: 配体-受体相互作用浏览器,可轻松探索我们新颖的配体-受体相互作用数据库,全面概述包括多聚体复合物和辅因子在内的已知分子组成。 我们的数据库CellChatDB是一个人工整理的数据库,其中包含人类和小鼠中受文献支持的配体-受体相互作用。 Cel
Introduction to EECS II Digital Communication Systems (MIT 6.02)
2022-03-08 22:54:52 14.37MB MIT 6.02
fiber-optic-communication-systems-isbn-0471215716-govind-p-agrawal 光纤通信系统专业教材
2022-03-04 11:12:44 5.77MB fiber-optic
讲述分子通信的书籍。This comprehensive guide, by pioneers in the field, brings together, for the first time, everything a new researcher, graduate student or industry practitioner needs to get started in molecular communication. Written with accessibility in mind, it requires little background knowledge, and provides a detailed introduction to the relevant aspects of biology and information theory, as well as coverage of practical systems
2022-03-03 15:30:14 7.05MB Molecular
作者:Marvin K. Simon‎、Mohamed-Slim Alouini Preface. Nomenclature. PART 1: FUNDAMENTALS.  Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. Fading Channel Characterization and Modeling. Chapter 3. Types of Communication. PART 2: MATHEMATICAL TOOLS. Chapter 4. Alternative Representations of Classical Functions. Chapter 5. Some Useful Expressions for Evaluating Average Error Probability Performance. Chapter 6. New Representations of Some Probability Density and Cumulative Distribution Functions for Correlative Fading Applications. PART 3: OPTIMUM RECEPTION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Chapter 7. Optimum Receivers for Fading Channels. Chapter 8. Performance of Single–Channel Receivers. Chapter 9. Performance of Multichannel Receivers. PART 4: MULTIUSER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Chapter 10. Optimum Combining:A Diversity Technique for Communication Over Fading Channels in the Presence of Interference. Chapter 11. Direct-Sequence Code-Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA). PART 5: FURTHER EXTENSIONS. Chapter 12. Coded Communicatuion over Fading Channels. Index.
2022-03-03 14:32:39 4.19MB 通信
2022-03-03 11:16:26 3KB matlab例程 matlab
Communication Systems Principles Using MATLAB Leis 2018
2022-03-01 17:45:30 14.54MB Communicatio Systems  Principles  MATLAB