Real-Time Communication with WebRTC
2024-04-09 09:52:03 24.28MB WebRTC
如需免费获的标准,可私信博主。 Road vehicles — Communication on FlexRay — Part 2: Communication layer services ISO 10681-2:2010规定了为满足《FlexRay通信系统协议规范》中规定的基于FlexRay的车辆网络系统的要求而定制的通信协议的要求。由于该通信协议结合了网络层和传输层的功能(OSI第3和第4层),本文件没有明确区分这些层的服务。 该通信协议的技术特点如下:传输已知数据长度的消息;传输未知但有限数据长度的消息;带有重试机制的额外确认;飞行中的数据路由;支持动态帧长度。
2024-03-05 10:24:07 5.01MB FlexRay
STM32F103VCT6TR - High-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs, 13 communication interfaces - STMicroelectronics
2024-03-01 16:59:17 1.66MB
ISO 15118-5:2018 Road vehicles - Vehicle to grid communication i
2024-01-17 13:49:40 187.78MB
本文介绍的是Nortel Converged Office for Communication Server 1000使用手册(英文).
2024-01-11 16:13:33 392KB 网络
本文介绍的是Nortel Converged Office for Communication Server 1000白皮书(英文).
2024-01-11 16:11:10 488KB 网络
Although I wrote the first edition of this book more than 25 years ago, my goals for it remain the same. I want students to receive a solid intro- duction to the traditional topics. I want readers to come away with the view that abstract algebra is a contemporary subject—that its concepts and methodologies are being used by working mathematicians, com- puter scientists, physicists, and chemists. I want students to see the connections between abstract algebra and number theory and geom- etry. I want students to be able to do computations and to write proofs. I want students to enjoy reading the book. And I want to convey to the reader my enthusiasm for this beautiful subject.
2023-12-12 21:25:07 496KB
matlab中的dft过滤代码此存储库包含我们(我和我的队友Debosmit)在UCSD做的项目,作为CSE237A类的一部分。 我曾与Ryan Kastner教授,Dinesh Bharadia教授和TA Alireza教授一起在Vivado HLS中实现无线通信模块。 FIR滤波器 CORDIC和相位检测器 DFT优化 FFT优化和OFDM接收器 Polar代码解码器-最终项目-还包括MATLAB代码
2023-11-13 10:27:44 2.75MB 系统开源
2023-10-20 14:16:49 4.96MB CANFD
CHAPTER 4 AD (Analog-to-Digital) Conversion 内有 MATLAB代码
2023-10-07 20:31:53 988KB MATLAB/Simulink Communication 通信 AD转换