2021-11-11 15:03:10 11.38MB
2021-11-07 17:23:04 206.32MB 云熙免狗
一种设备,用于控制进入电池的太阳能电池板产生的电能。 如果您打算使用电池组安装离网太阳能系统,则需要一个太阳能充电控制器。它是放置在太阳能电池板和电池组之间的设备,用于控制太阳能电池板进入电池后产生的电能。主要功能是确保对电池正确充电并防止过度充电。 随着来自太阳能电池板的输入电压的升高,充电控制器会调节对电池的充电,以防止任何过度充电并在电池放电时断开负载。 太阳能控制器的类型 当前,PV电力系统中通常使用两种类型的充电控制器: 1.脉宽调制(PWM)控制器 2.最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)控制器 在本教程中,我将向您介绍有关PWM太阳能控制器的信息。 规范 1.充电控制器和电表 2.自动电池电压选择(6V / 12V) 3.根据电池电压自动设定设定点的PWM充电算法 4.LED指示充电状态和负载状态 5. 20x4字符LCD显示屏,用于显示电压,电流,功率,能量和温度。 6.防雷 7,逆流保护 8.短路和过载保护 9.充电温度补偿 10.充电小工具的USB端口 电路如何工作? 注意:红线-电源和黄线-控制信号 充电控制器的核心是Arduino Nano板。Arduino通过使用两个分压器电路来感应太阳能电池板和电池的电压。根据这些电压水平,它决定如何为电池充电和控制负载。 注意 :在上图中,电源和控制信号存在印刷错误。红线用于电源,黄线用于控制信号。 整个原理图分为以下电路: 1.配电电路: X1(MP2307)降压转换器将电池(B +和B-)的功率降低至5V。降压转换器的输出分配给 1. Arduino开发板 2. LED指示 3. LCD显示 4. USB端口,可为小工具充电。 2.输入传感器: 通过使用两个由电阻器R1-R2和R3-R4组成的分压器电路来检测太阳能电池板和电池的电压。C1和C2是滤波电容器,用于滤除不需要的噪声信号。分压器的输出分别连接到Arduino模拟引脚A0和A1。 通过使用两个ACS712模块感测太阳能电池板和电池电流。电流传感器的输出分别连接到Arduino模拟引脚A3和A2。 电池温度通过使用DS18B20温度传感器测量。R16(4.7K)是上拉电阻。温度传感器的输出连接到Arduino数字引脚D12。 3.控制电路: 控制电路基本上由两个p-MOSFET Q1和Q2组成。MOSFET Q1用于向电池发送充电脉冲,MOSFET Q2用于驱动负载。两个MOSFET驱动器电路由两个带有上拉电阻R6和R8的晶体管T1和T2组成。晶体管的基极电流由电阻器R5和R7控制。 4.保护电路: 通过使用TVS二极管D1保护来自太阳能电池板一侧的输入过电压。从电池到太阳能电池板的反向电流受肖特基二极管D2保护。过电流由保险丝F1保护。 5. LED指示: LED1,LED2和LED3分别用于指示太阳能,电池和负载状态。电阻R9至R15是限流电阻。 7.液晶显示: I2C LCD显示屏用于显示各种参数。 8. USB充电: USB插座连接了Buck转换器的最高5V输出。 9.系统重置: SW1是用于重置Arduino的按钮。
2021-10-20 12:47:58 295KB pwm控制 太阳能控制器 Arduino 电路方案
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LABEL. MATRIX. V7.02.02 玻璃制造业标签打印软件
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BITEK USB Kit v2.02 原理圖及PCB
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GuiMC is a platform-independent GUI front end for MCNP5 and MCNPX. It provides you an easy way to use MCNP5 and MCNPX without typing any commands.
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2021-07-26 11:36:48 3.17MB CloneCD
Lux Plus is the commercial branch of the open source Lux shader framework and brings Lux's advanced lighting features such as skin, translucent and anisotropic lighting to the deferred rendering pipeline — all without adding any additional data to the built in gbuffers. So unlike other solutions Lux Plus will not stress your memory bandwidth furthermore but uses a cleverly packed default gbuffer. Lux Plus has been successfully tested with DX11, DX9 and OpenGLCore on Win and Mac using nvidia GPUs and Unity 5.4.2, Unity 5.5.0b10, Unity 5.6.1., Unity 2017.2.0f3 and Unity 2018.1. and above. Lighting features - Fast approximated area lights - Diffuse fill lights - Deferred pre-integrated Skin Lighting and wrinkle maps - Deferred translucent Lighting - Deferred anisotropic Lighting* (read more) - Deferred lambert lighting - Diffuse scattering or fuzz lighting - Specular Anti Aliasing - Horizon Occlusion Surface features - Dynamic weather - Mix mapping - Parallax, parallax occlusion and tessellation - Double sided rendering Although Lux ships with a rather flexible standard shader it allows you write custom surface shaders which will take full advantage of all feature mentioned above. In order to make this as easy as possible Lux offers a bunch of predefined shader macros and ships with various example surface shaders including: - Tessellation - Geometry based refraction - Geometry based deferred decals Lux Plus and Image Effects As Lux Plus packs Unity’s built in GBuffer in a special way, image effects, which rely on data from the GBuffer, will most likely break. But Lux Plus ships with fixes for the Cinematic Image Effects (Lux 2.01 only), Unity's Post Processing Stack and Amplify Occlusion. (read more)
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This driver is to support Nu-Link to work under Keil RVMDK Development Environment for all NuMicro Family Devices
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