关联规则挖掘的自顶向下Fp-Growth算法-Top Down FP-Growth for Association Rule Mining.pdf
2021-04-04 16:10:00 247KB 关联规则挖掘
使用c#中GDI+,简单的画点,只是在图中比较有效的绘制出点的程序。 使用c#中GDI+,简单的画点,只是在图中比较有效的绘制出点的程序。
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从架构到门级电路的自顶向下数字VLSI设计,Top-Down Digital VLSI Design From Architectures to Gate-Level Circuits and FPGAs
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Computer Networking A top-down Approach 5th Solution
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Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
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A static-mode synthetic aperture imaging ladar (SAIL) in which the target and carrying platform are kept still during the collection process is proposed and demonstrated. A target point of 0.5 mm \times 0.5 mm and a two-dimensional (2D) object are reconstructed in the experiments, in which an optical collimator with a focal length of 10 m is used to simulate the far-field condition. The achieved imaging resolution is in agreement with the theoretical design. The static-mode down-looking SAIL has
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Combining background information and a top-down model for computing salient objects
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包含书+习题答案+实验文档等, 具体资源内容说明: 1. Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach 6th Editon.pdf 该文件是本书的第6版,英文版,虽然上传这个资源的时候最新的版本是第7版,但是只有扫描版, 因此有个别需要查的单词的时候,需要一个个敲,比较不方便,实际上阅读第6版会方便点, 第7版是第6版上加上一些新的内容(可能包括一些内容修正), 因此,可以选择阅读第6版,之后再去阅读第7版新增的内容, 综上,目前推荐英语不是很好的人(需要查部分单词的)阅读第6版。 2. Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach 6th Editon 习题答案.pdf 该文件是第6版所有习题的答案,可以做完之后参考下。 3. Kurose_Ross_Wireshark_labs_6th_ed.zip 该文件包含所有wireshark实验内容文档(有PDF和DOC格式,随便选一个看)。 4. Kurose_Ross_Wireshark_labs_6th_ed_阅读顺序.txt 该文件说明了上述wireshark实验内容文档的阅读顺序(你从书上的目录也可以推出来这个顺序)。 5. Kurose_Ross_Wireshark_labs_7th_wireshark-traces.zip 该文件是第7版的跟踪文件,虽然是第7版的,但是和第6版通用,所以不要紧。
2021-02-22 11:08:28 24.61MB networking wireshark 计算机网络