一个图形界面,可利用高清电视上的屏幕空间和C / C ++和GDI内置的数字标牌,再加上一个PHP(Zend Framework)内置的服务器,用于管理界面和系统后端。
2021-11-18 16:45:24 4.05MB 开源软件
Handbook of Visual Display Technology 作者: Janglin Chen; Wayne Cranton; Mark Fihn; ISBN13: 9783540795667 类型: 精装 语种: 英语(English) 出版日期: 2011-12-02 出版社: Springer 页数: 2710 The Handbook of Visual Display Technology is a unique work offering readers a comprehensive review of all aspects of the science, technology, economic and human interface factors associated with visual displays. An invaluable compilation of information, the Handbook will serve as a single reference source with expert contributions from over 150 international display professionals and academic researchers. The broad scope encompasses the complete range of established and emergent display technologies, including LCDs, reflective displays, and emissive devices such as OLEDs and plasma displays. Across the Handbook and within each section the content builds from the fundamental physical principles involved, ensuring that the work is entirely self-contained, although the reader is provided with references to primary literature, reviews and other works for further background. Novel technologies such as electronic ink and flexible displays are discussed in detail and set in the context of their particular applications, and key sections are devoted to high-definition and 3-dimensional displays, portable and personal displays, and peripheral subjects such as display driving and display metrology. The wide-ranging content also encompasses the fundamental science of light and vision, electronic image processing and manipulation, and core materials processing and patterning techniques. The Handbook concludes with a section focusing on the economics and market factors associated with the displays industry, with commentary on the prospects for particular technologies and areas of application.
2021-11-17 23:08:17 86.53MB TFT Visual Display 虚拟显示
控制面 一个用于MIDI控制面(输入和输出)的Arduino库。 它还包括一个通用的MIDI抽象层,该层可用于任何与MIDI相关的项目。 总览 该库将您的Arduino兼容板变成MIDI控制界面。 只需连接一些按钮,电位器,LED ...并在代码中声明它们即可。 支持多种不同的MIDI接口: USB上的MIDI ,串行MIDI(例如5针DIN MIDI ),调试MIDI (以可读格式打印消息,并允许您输入基于文本的消息),WiFi或以太网上的AppleMIDI , MIDI通过Bluetooth LE (实验性)。 对于MIDI输出,可以使用按钮,拨动开关,电位计,推子,旋转编码器等。 所有数字输入均被去抖动,所有模拟输入均使用数字滤波器和磁滞进行滤波。 这导致没有噪声的高精度,而不会引入等待时间。 这些可用于发送MIDI音符,控制更改,弯音,编程/音色更改等。 对于MIDI输入,您可以使用LED显示不同设置的状态,显示每个通道的音频电平( VU表),旋钮的位置(V-Pot LED振铃)等。 您还可以添加OLED显示器(例如SSD1306),以显示有关哪些通道设置为静音或独
2021-11-14 20:01:41 1.67MB arduino teensy midi display
数控系统双屏显示功能是在线监控数控机床界面,显 示数控机床画面,可以对数控机床的系统画面进行操控、切 换
2021-11-10 20:32:21 6.64MB FANUCCNCScreen
dynamic data display
2021-11-08 13:33:50 1.77MB dynamic data display
wifi display项目工程源码,可以移植到android手机,机顶盒,pad等设备,端到端的screen mirro功能-the wifi display project source code can be ported to android mobile phones, set-top boxes, pad equipment, end-to-end screen mirro function 内含android版,电脑版,可自行选择使用
2021-11-08 10:37:41 2.72MB wifi display
android端 wifi display sink端apk,需平台端支持一些接口,所以只是有些对原生android修改不大的手机可以使用。多试一些手机吧。网上找的,仅供大家学习使用。
2021-11-06 20:18:55 11.36MB wifi display miracast android
arduino-uno温度监控器 使用Arduino UNO板,DS18B20温度传感器,TM1637显示屏和信号LED内置的简单温度监控器的源代码。 部分 1个Arduino UNO Rev3 1个DS18B20温度传感器1个TM1637显示屏1个LED 1个220欧姆电阻1个4.7k欧姆电阻1x面包板+电线 架构图 权限 $ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 执照
2021-11-06 11:31:07 217KB arduino cpp display temperature
2021-11-04 09:02:01 10KB 笔记
2021-11-01 16:05:00 103.13MB eDP display soc