2024-06-06 17:58:06 12.92MB windows
2024-03-24 16:49:57 679B pdf
pdf2image包中的poppler-windows包,解压缩即可用,适用python 网上的windows版本找不到 解压完之后,找到bin目录,将该路径传入poppler_path即可 page = convert_from_path(pdf_file, first_page=0, last_page=4, poppler_path=r"C:/poppler-23.08.0/Library/bin")
2023-10-31 11:04:14 13.82MB poppler-windows压 pdf2image pdf转图像
I have been using the Poppler library for some time, over a series of various projects. It’s an open source set of libraries and command line tools, very useful for dealing with PDF files. Poppler is targeted primarily for the Linux environment, but the developers have included Windows support as well in the source code. Getting the executables (exe) and/or dlls for the latest version however is very difficult on Windows. So after years of pain, I jumped on oDesk and contracted Ilya Kitaev, to both compile with Microsoft Visual Studio, and also prepare automated tools for easy compiling in the future. Update: MSVC isn’t very well supported, these days the download is based off MinGW. So now, you can run the following utilities from Windows! PDFToText – Extract all the text from PDF document. I suggest you use the -Layout option for getting the content in the right order. PDFToHTML – Which I use with the -xml option to get an XML file listing all of the text segments’ text, position and size, very handy for processing in C# PDFToCairo – For exporting to images types, including SVG! Many more smaller utilities
2023-07-25 21:43:23 6.96MB poppler
poppler库,开源,应用于pdf 显示PDF,提取文字,转成图片等
2022-11-15 09:06:04 6.85MB poppler 编译
开发环境 Qt5.5.1、Qt Creator 3.5.1 Qt实现pdf阅读器和MFC实现pdf阅读器,其实原理都是差不多的。 需要用到Poppler开源库,下载地址如下 https://poppler.freedesktop.org/ 如果只是要在window的gcc下运行的话,可以下载已经编译好的库 https://sourceforge.net/projects/poppler-win32/   注意:这个是MinGW版本的Qt,也就是运行在GCC环境下的库,里面只包含 *.dll 和 *.a 。如果是Vistual Studio版本的Qt ,那么很不幸里面没有 *.lib文件。 1、
2022-11-06 13:04:56 288KB df int函数 le
2022-10-13 17:32:19 21.08MB poppler
使用Qt poppler-qt5实现简单pdf阅读器, 打开关闭文件,有翻页,放大缩小,查看目录,查看缩略图等功能,使用qt5.9 mingw编译器可用.
2022-03-13 09:49:32 7.32MB qt poppler-qt5 pdf PdfRender
2022-02-25 11:59:25 4.87MB poppler
Qt使用Poppler-qt5操作PDF文件 原文 http://blog.csdn.net/hellogdut/article/details/22827431
2021-12-10 16:10:21 5KB QT PDF Poppler